Sunday, December 12, 2010

Goal Setting for 2011!

My dearest Actors,
The year is fast approaching to an end! Tomorrow evening is the Launch and Screening of Touch ups with Tula, the first time an audience will view our hard work, it is so exciting and nerve wracking!
One of the keys to Success is Goal Setting. If you set some time aside to qualify what you would like to achieve in 2011, you will be setting the wheels in motion! Using Your Secret Weapon, as introduced to you in The Secret of Your Success as an Actor (e-book), you will clearly set your Intentions and put the powers that be to work.
Set yourselves goals you are comfortable with, like getting your headshot done, editing your showreel, finding an agent, doing work for your showreel. If you are already set up, then perhaps you can think about the projects you would like to work on in 2011.
Then all you have to do is go for it!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas wherever you are and a brilliantly successful 2011!
Always here to help,

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