Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Hi there dearest Actors!
If you are like me, you probably don't feel right unless you are being productive. Yesterday I was reminded of the value of Surrender, because sometimes there is just nothing we can do but that. I was reminded that its ok to give oneself permission to Surrender and have an afternoon off!

I have discovered Dr Deepak Chopra's Lectures, which I listen to daily and they have had a profound impact on me. On his recommendation I have also decided to start a course in Transcendental Meditation. I strongly recommend it to you too, not only so that you can fulfil your dream to be an Actor, but for health, vitality, relationships, longevity and Creativity!

Let me know if you are already on that path, I would love to know your experience!
Always here to help, wishing you and your families a Happy Easter!
Tula, from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR E-Book, just $9.95! 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Acting is a Full Time Job!

Dearest Aspiring and Working Actors hello!
Today I want to share my thoughts with you about being a Working Actor. I would like you to consider acting as a full time job, just like any other. With this sort of perception, whether we are engaged in a contract or not it doesn't matter. Think about rehearsing with friends, making your own films or putting on your own productions, classes, keeping up your craft and skills, learning new ones, maintaining your brand and you have a full time job! Meanwhile, that is why I recommend working SMART NOT HARD in THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, just $9.95 available for Instant Download. We don't want to run ourselves into the ground earning a living to pay for our career do we? 

Here is some more info for you from My Acting Career too! 
Always here to help,
Love Tula

China Heart – Feature In Development

Lian is a Chinese Australian woman in her early 20s in Sydney. Recently engaged she receives a mysterious package from an unknown sender. It tells her that she cannot marry until she understands its meaning. She goes on a search through Chinatown delving deep into her Chinese Australian past unravelling clue after clue until she emerges victorious.

Members can see the full listing at:

Fiona Dann (Casting Director)

Fiona has as genuine passion for performance, an eye for talent and enthusiasm for her work. Fiona has a proven track record in casting both adult and child performers, discovering new talent and working with seasoned professionals. She has successfully drawn together a dedicated team of professionals at Chameleon Casting and built strong relationships with directors and producers and actors alike. Her focus is to make Chameleon a nurturing environment that elicits the best creativity possible. Fiona has cast numerous award-winning commercials both locally and internationally as well as feature films, short films and television series. 

Members can get contact details at:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dr Deepak Chopra, George Kapiniaris and more!

Dearest Aspiring and Working Actors,
I have been listening to Dr Deepak Chopra's lectures and reading his material. If you have read my E-Book, THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, check out Dr Chopra's lectures to fast track the use of Your Secret Weapon. I find listening to his lectures daily very inspiring and the best thing is, you don't have to make any effort, just having the awareness is enough! 
Meanwhile, here is an interview from Industry professional George Kapiniaris I totally agree with, for you. I find working as Actor, Writer, Producer very rewarding. There is nothing like creating your work and your Reality!
Always here to help,

Making Your Own Work: George Kapiniaris

How has working as a writer, producer and director shaped the way you view acting, and how has being an actor influenced the way you view/do your jobs as writer, director and producer?

"Really it's the same gig. All these headings fall into the same ballpark. Sometimes as an actor you have to direct yourself while you're learning the lines the day before a shoot, be a writer when you're reading over the script before the show begins, and also be a kind of producer when you're deciding that your character will definitely not wear blue in the restaurant scene. When you're working for another company's production you leave these jobs to the experts, but I think knowing what's going on helps."

Writers, producers, directors and performers don't always see eye to eye on creative and practical levels and while that's not always a good thing, it can keep ideas, budgets, etc. in check. When you're wearing several or all of these hats, who (if anyone) keeps you in check and how?

"You definitely have to keep yourself in check. Follow your own instincts. It helps, though, to be in some kind of producer partnership with someone you trust, someone you know really well. It's the type of working relationship I have with Simon Palomares. We've been working together for over twenty years and we're still going strong. Not a lot has to be said for us to put something in motion and that's because we know each other so well…"

Members can read the full interview at:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

AT2 Casting News

Dear Actors, I suggest you join AT2 and make sure you read THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR!
Get paid to eat chocolate!
Some of the commercials coming through this month sounded decidedly appealing – how does a day getting paid to eat Ferrero RocherCadbury or Michel's Patisserie sound? Others just sounded like they could be lots of fun – Bundaberg Rumthe Rugby World Cup and Queensland Tourism. With the many, many other brands making TVC’s this month, they represented a whole lot of money for the successful AT2 members!
For those focusing on film, TV & stage:
  • A Disney pilot, about two sports-mad brothers
  • Continued casting for cable show The Sapphires, based on a true story about three indigenous soul singers in the 60’s
  • Actors for a 2011/12 season tour around NSW schools
  • Male tenors needed for a platinum-sales touring group
  • Always here to Help, Tula Tzoras from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, only $9.95 Available for Instant Download!

Thursday, April 7, 2011



Leigh Pickford (9:30am Sat 16th April)
Cops LAC, The Killer Elite, Next Door to Velinsky's, Panic, Packed to the Rafters, A Model Daughter, Trapped and City Homicide. Leigh works for the Maura Fay Group and is currently casting several TV series.

Angela Hesom (9:30am Sun 17th April)
Beautiful Kate, Rogue, Caterpillar Wish, Look Both Ways, Wolf Creek, Peaches, Swerve and The Dragon Pearl.  Angela is currently casting Wolf Creek 2 and several other projects .
Be seen by Australia's leading casting directors and fast-track your industry exposure
Screentest Workshops are a great way to meet casting directors, get industry-focused feedback and market yourself.
During the workshop all participants will have one-on-one time with the casting director and take home a DVD copy of their work.  Workshops generally last for at least 4 hours but please keep your entire day free until we have confirmed the course times with the tutor (this will happen the week prior to the event).
Participants will have the opportunity to:
  •    ask questions about the industry during a Q & A session
  •    have a professional reader for your scene
  •    hone your auditioning skills in an authentic audition environment
  •    learn the dos and don'ts of the audition room
  •    gain individual feedback
  •    learn to work under the pressures of auditioning in a re-creation of the audition environment
  •    view and learn from other actors' feedback and their work 
Scenes for these workshops will be available online. Details will be automatically sent to your email once a booking has been made.
Workshop Details
Fee:       $78 (per casting director)
Venue:  Melbourne Acting Academy
1. Credit Card or VISA Debit
For further details please contact:
Melbourne Acting Academy Team
Melb: (03) 9038 8054
Syd: (02) 9011 6398
After hours: 04888 ACTOR

Visit us on the Web:


Tuesday, April 5, 2011



The original "Tula", daughter of Comedy Company's "Con the Fruiter" - Tula Tzoras has weathered a 20 year career on the stage and screen, and shares her insights this unique E-Book - for only $9.95 to download.   She would love to provide interview content on the life of a working (and non-working!) actor, and share her own stories along the journey.

Let us know if a link to her e-book or interview with Tula is of interest.
THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR is only $9.95 for over 100 pages. You an instantly download her E-BOOK on
MEDIA ENQUIRIES:            0413 875 776


‘Tula Tzoras has written the most extraordinary and valuable book for anyone who wishes to work in the acting profession. It is helpful, insightful, and full of terrific advice. I thoroughly recommend it.’ - Tony Knight: Head of Acting NIDA
The Secret of Your Success as an Actor is on reading lists at : NIDA, ACTT, MAA and DRAMA VICTORIA

“Pitfalls, delusions of grandeur, Obsessive compulsive behaviour, wrong choices.” - If you want to enter into the world of Acting, you need to read Tula’s “
The Secret of Your Success as an Actor!”
Tula’s unique e-book gives an interesting insight to her own experience with specific examples from film, TV theatre and giving practical advice for success, but most importantly dealing with issues so that our aspiring actors and working actors have a strong sense of self that does not leave them vulnerable when they succeed in the industry.
“Life is not a rehearsal; we only get one chance to make it the best we can, or the worst…” Tula Tzoras.

For the first time a struggling working actor who has finally achieved the wisdom she needed 20 years ago, faces the confronting task of sharing her experience in the industry and her personal battles with anxiety and chronic fatigue syndrome. From her pitfalls she is able to guide aspiring and working actors with infallible tips for success including a secret weapon that will give actors the edge they need to create their ideal career and life as actors.

Tula provides a detailed narrative of her life, giving insight through her disappointments and successes, with practical advice in every chapter. In ‘persistence beats resistance’ Tula encourages aspiring actors/actresses to not only be true to oneself, but also to never give up. She shares the importance, through her own experiences, to eliminate as much life-drama as possible, and to leave it for the stage!

The World of Broadcasting

Hi lovely Actors,
Reporting from Tula Central on a beautiful sunny Melbourne day. I am learning so much about what Broadcasters look for as I keep throwing concepts for shows at them! After all, when we don't have acting work, does our Creative Brain stop?
Let me tell you it pays to be both an Actor and Producer. I was gobsmacked when I found out what Producers are paid compared to Actors!
So go ahead and Create and be Merry!
Always here to help,
Tula, from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, only $9.95 a MUST READ, Download it NOW!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Totally Free Resource for Your Brand

Dearest Aspiring and Working Actors and Entertainers!
I hope this finds you well and happy and well on your way to achieving your dreams!
I have found a great resource, which I joined myself and I want to share it with you, so check out Go Direct and you can list whatever you do, from acrobats, to musicians, actors, hosts, you name it, free. They promote you and when you receive enquiries for work you just pay them something like $15 ! They don't even charge a commission!
What another great way to get your Brand out there!

Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras from The Secret Of Your Success as an Actor E-Book, just $9.95, a MUST READ