Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Hi there dearest Actors!
If you are like me, you probably don't feel right unless you are being productive. Yesterday I was reminded of the value of Surrender, because sometimes there is just nothing we can do but that. I was reminded that its ok to give oneself permission to Surrender and have an afternoon off!

I have discovered Dr Deepak Chopra's Lectures, which I listen to daily and they have had a profound impact on me. On his recommendation I have also decided to start a course in Transcendental Meditation. I strongly recommend it to you too, not only so that you can fulfil your dream to be an Actor, but for health, vitality, relationships, longevity and Creativity!

Let me know if you are already on that path, I would love to know your experience!
Always here to help, wishing you and your families a Happy Easter!
Tula, from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR E-Book, just $9.95! 

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