Sunday, April 17, 2011

Acting is a Full Time Job!

Dearest Aspiring and Working Actors hello!
Today I want to share my thoughts with you about being a Working Actor. I would like you to consider acting as a full time job, just like any other. With this sort of perception, whether we are engaged in a contract or not it doesn't matter. Think about rehearsing with friends, making your own films or putting on your own productions, classes, keeping up your craft and skills, learning new ones, maintaining your brand and you have a full time job! Meanwhile, that is why I recommend working SMART NOT HARD in THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, just $9.95 available for Instant Download. We don't want to run ourselves into the ground earning a living to pay for our career do we? 

Here is some more info for you from My Acting Career too! 
Always here to help,
Love Tula

China Heart – Feature In Development

Lian is a Chinese Australian woman in her early 20s in Sydney. Recently engaged she receives a mysterious package from an unknown sender. It tells her that she cannot marry until she understands its meaning. She goes on a search through Chinatown delving deep into her Chinese Australian past unravelling clue after clue until she emerges victorious.

Members can see the full listing at:

Fiona Dann (Casting Director)

Fiona has as genuine passion for performance, an eye for talent and enthusiasm for her work. Fiona has a proven track record in casting both adult and child performers, discovering new talent and working with seasoned professionals. She has successfully drawn together a dedicated team of professionals at Chameleon Casting and built strong relationships with directors and producers and actors alike. Her focus is to make Chameleon a nurturing environment that elicits the best creativity possible. Fiona has cast numerous award-winning commercials both locally and internationally as well as feature films, short films and television series. 

Members can get contact details at:

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