Monday, May 2, 2011

Rowena Balos in Melb and Apologies!

Dear Melbourne Actors:
I apologise for not having written in a week! I have been swapping internet providers and although I am now free, I had to go through some teething problems. The good news is I have this for you today! I worked with Rowena Balos and even mention her in my E-Book, THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, Instant Download, MUST READ only $9.95, because she is truly amazing. So if you are in Melbourne, she is coming from LA! She is one of only two Acting coaches who have deeply inspired me and I recommend her, if you can make it!

have a look,
Always here to help, Tula Tzoras

Hope you are all well and are having a wonderful and productive 2011, so far!

FYI, I arrive in Australia on July 12th and then return to Los Angeles on November 1st.

I will fly to Melbourne on the 28th of July, teaching at various theatre institutions and acting schools, till August 15th.

I’m writing to feel-out your interest and availability in doing a 1 or 2 day workshop on my free days.
I’d be open to doing a Voice/Acting Connection workshop (1 or 2 day), preferably Shakespeare or Classical, though modern if it is a really well written text.
Also a 1 or 2 day American Accent workshop.

Possible dates for a 1 or 2 day workshop:
August: 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, the weekends are underlined.

I will also be returning to Melbourne some time in October but that is a bit up in the air.

Let me know your needs, desires and availability and I will try to accommodate.

Please spread the word to your friends. Feel free to give them my email address and I will add them to my mailing list.

All the best, Rowena

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