Sunday, May 29, 2011

Beating those Winter Blues

Dearest Actors and Artists,
If you are in the Southern Hemisphere Winter is upon us. Today is a particularly dark, rainy and freezing day here in Melbourne, so I am writing with a few little ideas to cheer you up if its all getting to you!
I find that surrounding myself with colour on dark, dreary days, keeping warm and listening to inspirational material or doing a lovely meditation always cheers me up. Having a hot shower and enjoying a fluffy towel, or having a bath is always healing.
Another bonus is Creativity! When I lived in a warmer climate, I found it difficult to miss the sunshine. Being stuck inside due to the weather can unleash all sorts of creative juices. I wrote my E-Book, THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, now fabulously successful in the industry, during those times and lately, I have discovered that I have come up with a total of 7 concepts for TV shows! 
Now if I was running around on a beach I wouldn't be doing that, that's for sure! 
So no waiting for the phone to ring with Acting work for me, I am doing it myself! Its great if you can diversify to keep your creativity flowing.
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

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