Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Unshakeable Goal

Dear Aspiring and Working and Struggling Actors hello!
I am back at Tula Central and want to share with you again today, in the hope that it will benefit you in your Acting Career!

You will get loads more info upon downloading my E-Book THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR Instantly, only $9.95 for over 100 pages of Must Read material! Just go to

Now I want to talk to you about fixity of purpose. Of having an unshakeable goal and give you a prime example from my experience just this week.

As an Actor, it is wise to go where the work is. Based in Melbourne, I was called to an Audition in Sydney. On the day my flight was delayed. Upon arriving at the airport, my car blew up, literally. Luckily I was with a friend so that he could stay with the car. Whilst calling for help, I missed my check in and had to buy another flight. My car got booked broken down, waiting for a tow. I had blown the gasket. The series of unfortunate events continued when I landed in Sydney 45 minutes before my audition while my travel time would take an hour and a half. I had to call and notify people and arrived late at my audition, which is taboo of course. Luckily, they were quite flexible.

I could have panicked, become extremely upset and that would have sabotaged my Audition. Instead, I stayed strong with one goal in mind. To get to the Audition and to do my best, which I did.
The fact is stuff happens all the time and that is why its important to stay strong with a fixity of purpose. All I cared about was getting to my Audition. Mission accomplished.

That's all I have for you today,
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

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