Monday, May 9, 2011

Acting Work and Affluence!

My dearest Actors and Creators,
I hope you have had a great weekend! Its so cold here in Melbourne now! I have been at Tula headquarters working on PR and plugging 7 projects for Television, just another day in an Actor’s life, at least one who doesn’t wait for the phone to ring!

Its not often you find Acting and Affluence in the same sentence is it? I wrote THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR and packed more than 100 pages in for $9.95, a MUST READ, so that you can have it all! Its a MUST READ and available for Instant Download at!

Meanwhile, I have been listening to a lot of Deepak Chopra’s lectures and I thoroughly recommend them, as well as Transcendental Meditation. As an Actor we must work on our craft, our brand, but also our imagination and the best thing is our imagination has no limit and is the source of all CREATION!

Blackwood – Feature In Development

A film about a self educated botanist, Georgiana Molloy, who leaves Scotland to settle at the Blackwood River. In 1830 she is the first to send plants to Europe from this remote NSW corner of Australia – a world botanical hotspot. The film is inspired by the book, An All Consuming Passion.

Members can see the full listing at:

Always here to help,
love Tula Tzoras

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