Monday, May 16, 2011

On Networking

My dearest Aspiring and Working Actors and Artists hello!
Well its been a very busy time here at Tula Central and I am off to Sydney for an Audition tomorrow but today I want to talk to you about Networking and the Importance of knowing your Industry backwards, which of course assists in the building of your brand!

If you are just entering the Industry, make sure you read THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, just $9.95 for over 100 pages first! Its on reading lists at major Drama institutions like NIDA and will give you the tools to build Strength of Character and become the Conscious Creator of your Dream!

It is very important to know who is doing what, what productions are in progress, who is directing, producing, casting and who is performing in these productions. The way you can do this is by Networking, AT2 have networking evenings, they are one of the two online directories for Actors. My Acting Career are a great resource too.

By making friends in your industry you can exchange information and find out about opportunities.

Please don't think of Networking as a job! We all enjoy meeting and connecting with people with similar interests and by building a talent bank, you help each other. Also remember that all people are equal, human and don't allow yourselves to be intimidated by anyone you may think holds greater status than you.

So get out there people!
Always here to help
Tula Tzoras

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