Monday, June 6, 2011

End of Financial Year

Dear Actors and All Creative Souls,
As we move into the dead of winter in the Southern Hemisphere, we also approach Tax Time. This is generally a time things slow down for us Actors, so if your phone isn't ringing off the hook, a great thing to do to keep busy is grab a couple of buddies and rehearse scenes you have worked on in the past.

I keep all my scripts and quite often refer to them for different auditions. If you don't have any, first thing to do is read my E-Book, The Secret of Your Success as an Actor, available for Instant Download at Now you won't find scripts in my book, but you will find guidance!

You can use plays, or even go to stores specifically for Scripts and find the most Amazing Film scenes ever. I have some classics in my collection.
That's all for now,
Always here to help,

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