Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Me and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Dear Actors and All Creative Souls,
In my E-Book, THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, I faced the most confronting task of divulging such personal things like suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and today I want to talk to you about it, as I wrote my book in the hope that you can avoid pitfalls!

Around 7 years ago, obsessed with Acting, working for bread and butter and leading a volunteer group for my humanitarian project The Crazy Crusader, I collapsed. My whole body shut down and I was so sick, but the doctors could not tell me why. I was bedridden for months. As soon as I felt a little better, I did what I always do, too much. As a result I collapsed again shortly after and was bedridden for months more. I had to leave my apartment and stay with my folks and was told not to work for at least two years, that I was suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

That was the darkest time of my life. For an A type personality, not being to fetch a cup of tea is anathema. I started doing meditation, looking into natural healing, diets, chinese medicine, anything to feel better. My body ached, my immune system was shot, my sleeping patterns disturbed and it didn't matter how much I slept, I was still listless, my body felt like lead I couldn't move. During that time I lost my home and went through all my savings, going from an independent person to a completely vulnerable one.

I tried natural medicine for five years. Nothing worked. It was only two years ago I found a specialist who dedicated his life to this condition. For the first time he explained it in a way I understood. If you imagine recharging a mobile phone battery , having CFS is like having an empty battery. It happens a lot to A type personalities who push themselves too far like Athletes. Some people can work 100 hours a week and some just collapse like I did.

The specialist put me on medication. I hate taking medication but after all these years it was "whatever works"! Now I can function, though I try not to take much medication and I find myself juggling every day with energy levels and when to take my medication so that I can do things like work or have a social life. I have been on a very healthy diet for the last 3 years and just this week I started exercising properly. If you see my facebook page you will see photos of me in all vitality. I do it on medication. I like to express my spirit and I am using inspirational material and my own Secret Weapon, something I share with you in THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR. My intention is to get better so that I don't have to take medication. Just as you see photos of me online, there is much more time I spend in down time.

Its important to see the gift in everything. Although having this condition is so boring, I have been able to write this book for you and to become more creative with my own projects.

Want to read more? go to www.actorssecretweapon.com for your Instant Download
I hope my story helps you SOAR to SUCCESS as an Actor or Any Artist you dream of being.
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

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