Monday, November 21, 2011

iModel Program

Dearest fellow Actors,
I am sorry I have been so absent, I have been crazy busy, but I am always thinking of you and how your life and career as an Actor is progressing.

I am now on every commercial TV Network, Presenting on Daytime TV for Danoz and having a ball!
It is truly amazing though, when you use Your Secret Weapon (from my ebook The Secret of Your Success as an Actor) , how things simply fall in your lap.

My purpose is to Empower others through Entertainment and there I was at dinner with friends, when an indigenous friend of mine who runs the iModel Program for Teenage Indigenous girls found out that his Instructor had fallen through at  the last minute. I happened to be free on those two days and offered my help and before I knew it, we were driving to Bathurst!

The funniest thing was we had booked a hotel on the famous Bathurst Race Track and missing the sign for it, we happened on the Actual Track, doing it in a little Ford Festiva, 10.30 at night in the rain! It was exhilarating!

I can't tell you what a gift I received instilling self Esteem to those girls over the period of two days. To watch them blossom to the point of walking down the Catwalk in Make up they had done in their workshop and walking tall and proud, was so rewarding!

As Actors, we have so much we can share with our training. How good is it to share that with others?
So today I write to you with Gratitude, in the Field of All Possibility!

Always here to help,

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