Wednesday, March 7, 2012

News for Actors

My dearest fellow Thespians,
You have my sincerest apologies for neglecting you. I have had some technical difficulties, not to mention been crazy busy.
By now I hope you have read my e-book and are well on your way creating your career and life as an Actor according to your desires! You can download it instantly The Secret of Your Success as an Actor, just $9.95 for over 100 pages!

Now, on other news I here is some info on Rowena Balos from LA. I mention her in my ebook, she is truly amazing!

Hope you all had a fantastic holiday season with sun, fun and lots of partying and are now back into working on your personal and artistic growth!!

I'm well into the pilot season with lots of teaching here in LA.

I've also made great headway on my book--my philosophy and technique in great detail--a mammoth feat!

I'm also in the middle of doing a giant revision and update of my Human Instrument Workbook, which will be ready for purchase as a pdf file ($25) in the next month, or so, or as a hard copy ($35) when I'm in Australia--July through October.

Next, I will revise and update my Workbook on The Standard American Accent for Australian Actors--ready in July, if not before.

I will be in and out of Brisbane, Melbourne, Byron Bay and Sydney during my midyear stay, teaching at various theatre schools and companies.
In between those engagements, I'll be conducting workshops open to the acting community:
Voice/Acting Connection
Shakespeare Connection
Standard American Accent Connection
On-Camera Voice/Acting Connection

I will give you an update when we're closer to the time.
However, if you have a particular interest in a workshop or private instruction, it will be VERY helpful in my planning.

Look forward to connecting, some time during my visit, for a workshop, a private session, a cup of tea or maybe a glass of wine!!??

Would love to hear from you with any questions, revelations, confusions or successes with the work.

All the very best, Rowena

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