Tuesday, March 20, 2012

THE Most VITAL AUDITION Tip You will EVER Need to Know!

My dearest fellow Thespians and Entertainers in General hello!
Its been a while since I wrote because I have been having some techy issues, so I thought I would gift you with The Number 1 VITAL Audition Tip, the most important of all Audition Tips you will ever need to know.
Because it will alter your perception of the entire experience!
By the Way, if you haven’t read The Secret of Your Success as an Actor ebook yet, Just Do It! its only $9.95 and will introduce you to your very Own Secret Weapon!
Ok, so you’ve got an Audition, the Stakes are High, you really want it, the Competition is fierce, blah blah blah

The one thing I keep hearing from Actors and Professionals alike is that they “Dread” Auditions. The word out there is that Auditions are something to be feared and lets face it, when you really want something, when it means everything to you, of course it will make you a little anxious to say the least!

So how can we go from Dreading Audtions to Loving Them?
As Actors, Entertainers we LOVE our Work, otherwise why would we do it right?
So here it is are you READY?

What if you had an audition for something you would die and go to heaven for and instead of going into panic and dread you changed your mindset?
To What you may ask?
The trick to LOVING Auditions is simple: Try going to your Audition with the Perception that You are actually doing the Job! So if its Theatre, picture yourself in front of the Audience, if its Stage, likewise, if its TV or Film, in front of the Camera knowing there are millions of viewers watching you.
You LOVE Performing! Can you imagine a better experience?

So that’s it, simple isn’t it? Imagine your Audition to be Your Awarding Winning Performance in the actual Role.
Guess what? That also sends a message to the Universe to make it happen for you, so its a double whammy!
I’ll let you chew over that one,
wishing you amazing success!

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