Thursday, April 19, 2012

Self Referral Heaven, versus Object Referral Hell, Actors!

Dear Fellow Actors hi!

I’ve been thinking about my early days as an Actor and how much I have changed over the years. I remember going through hell in my twenties, when I would be in a constant state of second guessing what others thought of me, how I was being received as an Actor, driving myself crazy wondering if I did well or not, what I could have done better, did they like my hair, makeup, costume, performance etc.

I would walk into an audition and check for the type of reception I would get from casting directors, monitor their facial expressions and if I didn’t read it as a positive one, I would be devastated. Then I would obsess about getting the job and stop breathing until that phone rang. Crazy right?

And that’s just in Acting. Today I was thinking how grateful I am now that I practice Self Referral, so I want to share this with you because it will literally save you not only as an Actor but in your entire Life!

What is Object Referral?

Object Referral is reacting to externals, whether they are people, circumstances, places or things. When we are in object referral we feel the need to control things, or situations and are easily influenced by what’s happening. The chaos of life affects us directly making us emotionally volatile and creating a roller coaster experience.

Can you relate to this? Not a great place to be, especially for an Actor, or creative soul, or any soul.

So what is Self Referral?

Self Referral means we are not influenced by people, places or things, which we can’t control anyway! We know ourselves and our innermost nature and are in tune with our spirit, which knows all and has no need for drama. Even more than that, its pure joy!

What would happen if, as an Actor you got out of your own way? Its Amazing! Even in life, being still in the chaos and detached from it, makes every day worth living.

So my dear fellow Actors, that is what I had to share today. Have your read The Secret of Your Success as an Actor ebook yet? Download it now!

I have been approached about writing another ebook by a huge publishing company! Yey for me!

Always here to help,


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