Monday, October 31, 2011

For the Human Race!

The Venus Project

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Casting News from AT2

My dearest Actors,
This is to keep you in the loop if you are not registered with AT2 and you are in Australia.
I hope this finds you well and powering in your life and Career as an Actor, using the knowledge I share with you in my ebook, THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, available for Instant download now at only $9.95!

Welcome to the latest newsletter from AT2 Casting. We've got tickets to give away to the fantastic new feature Anonymous, plus the most up to date news on what's being cast in Australia at the moment.
We're often asked by our members what they can do to increase their chances of getting work in this industry if you're just starting out. Really, the most important thing to do is to keep practicing your craft. Whether that's through taking classes or participating in student or independent work (the icast briefs that get sent directly to artists), you've just got to keep doing what it is that you love to do. As much as you can!
Keep your AT2 profile up to date - particularly headshots and resumes. These are the two items that casting consultants will look at first when they're viewing submissions to a particular brief. And fill in as much of the details in your profile as you can, as the more information listed, the more searches you'll appear in.
Thanks for reading and have a great month.
October casting news
Some good acting jobs came through the site this month - a new television series, two telemovies, plus more casting for productions already underway.
Dungoona is a new series about Gemma, a teen mum who lives in the middle of nowhere, and her love-hate relationship with her home town.
Bad Debts and Black Tide are two new telemovies for the ABC, based on the Jack Irish series of novels by Peter Temple.
Casting also also continues for feature film The Great Gatsby and stage production Love Never Dies.
In other work, there was a call for singers and dancers for the Royal Caribbean production of Chicago - what a great way to see the world and get paid for it!
And plenty of work in TVC's - we know summer's around the corner when the products include Mortein, mangoes and suntan lotion.......bring it on!
Tickets to Anonymous
Was Shakespeare a fraud? Anonymous is set in the political snake-pit of Elizabethan England and speculates on this very issue, namely: who actually created the body of work credited to William Shakespeare?  
Anonymous poses one possible answer, focusing on a time when scandalous political intrigue, illicit romances in the Royal Court, and the schemes of greedy nobles lusting for the power of the throne were brought to light in the most unlikely of places: the London stage.
Anonymous stars Vanessa Redgrave, Rhys Ifans, Xavier Samuel, Joely Richardson, David Thewlis, and Derek Jacobi
Only at the movies November 3rd


Speak to You Soon!

The Team @ AT2

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kerri -Anne ch 9 and 2 Day Workshop with Kari Harris

Hi dearest Actors,
I am sorry if I have been absent in the last few days! I have been busy presenting for Danoz Direct on the Kerri Anne show on Ch 9! Although I am primarily an Actor, I have to tell you I loved presenting this product as myself. I owned the product I was presenting for sale and was absolutely Authentic. It was great to allow my own personality to come out, instead of playing a character. The messages kept coming from the Control room that I was doing really well and they were really happy. It was fantastic!

The next 2 Day Actors Workshop based on THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR ebook I strongly recommend you download straight away from, is to be held with Kari Harris Casting on February 4/5, 2012 in Sydney, so keep those dates free if you are in Australia!

Wishing you the most amazing success using Your Secret Weapon from my ebook!
Always here to help,

Monday, October 17, 2011

Your Fee as an Actor

Dear Actors Hello!
I am writing from my new Headquarters in North Bondi Sydney!
The Sun is shining and I feel like I have come home!

I hope you are putting Your Secret Weapon to good use and building your Brand as an Actor, because apart from our creativity as Artists, we need to be well rounded business people too! For more, download THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR , only $9.95 NOW!

In the spirit of Working Smart not Hard, as I advise in my ebook, I was welcomed to Sydney with a great new job as a Daytime TV Presenter. This has brought up an issue I want to discuss with you about your Fee!

What do you think you are worth as an Actor? Do you do a lot of co op theatre or many short films free of charge or do you command a certain rate? Of course it all depends on the stage of your Career, however, as I experienced recently, I want to stress to you that you can negotiate what you are comfortable with. In my ebook I emphasise building a strong sense of self and this is what its all about!

I don't mean for you to be unreasonable and if there is no room for negotiation, you can decide whether the role is worth accepting. Weigh everything up, will it enhance your career, how long will it air, is it a role you would love to play etc etc. Then the fee. You are your Brand. What is your Brand Worth?

Always Here to Help,
Tula Tzoras

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My new TV Presenting Job for Danoz Direct

Hi dear Actors! Great news, I have a new presenting job for Daytime television! 
Danoz has turned me into a housy type, they gave me the steam mop x5 to use before I demonstrate it and I have been on a cleaning frenzy, I can't believe I am so impressed! Did you know steam kills germs and bugs? I didn't! I love that it doesn't use chemicals and you can use it on every surface in the house as a hand held or put together OMG! everything even mirrors, windows, bedding, clothes, drapes. Who would have thought me?  I will be a whiz by the time I am demonstrating it for the Audience.
How are you going my dear Actors? Are you building a strong sense of self by reading my ebook, THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR? That Secret Weapon I introduce you to is pretty cool don't you think? I would love to hear your news too! 
Always here to help,

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Actors Secret Weapon: Casting Call to Action asap, Sydney/Melbourne Acto...

Actors Secret Weapon: Casting Call to Action asap, Sydney/Melbourne Acto...: Keep scrolling down, big gaps Dear Actors Hello! I hope you are putting Your Secret Weapon to good use, from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS ...

Casting Call to Action asap, Sydney/Melbourne Actors

Keep scrolling down, big gaps

Dear Actors Hello!
I hope you are putting Your Secret Weapon to good use, from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR ebook, if not, make sure you download it NOW, its only $9.95.
As usual I am here to help, so here is a casting call you should action asap if you are interested!
NIDA graduating directors are interested in meeting actors who would be interested in volunteering to perform in their graduation plays at NIDA in Nov/Dec 2011.
Following the success of the tour to Melbourne this year, all the plays will also tour in 2012 to either Melbourne or Albury in February/March.
NIDA/ Albury Season-
Frenzy for Two, Eugene Ionesco
Push Up, Roland Schimmelpfennig
The Collection, Harold Pinter
NIDA/Melbourne Season-
Electronic City, Falk Richter
Howl, Alan Ginsberg
Thirst, Eugene O’Neil
Details of the plays and roles are attached, along with further information on the final page about key dates and the 2012 tours. If you are interested in being considered, please return your preferences, bio/CV and contact details to as soon as possible. The directors will then be in touch with audition information where suitable.
Please feel free to contact me with any queries on (02) 96977608. Please note, these roles are unpaid, however expenses on tour in 2012 are covered by NIDA.
Kind Regards,
Lisa Burns
Postgraduate Courses and Projects Coordinator 


Private View (dir. Jeffrey Jay Fowler) Directors Graduation Productions 2010 
Toured to Theatre Works, Melbourne March 2011 


Howl by Alan Ginsberg

Director:   Daniel Lammin (pictured) 
Designer:   Ruth Arnold 
Dramaturg:   Jack Richardson
Mentor:   Sam Strong  

Outline: A classic text of the Beat Generation, Howl will be a performance of the poem
as a 1-man monologue.  An explosion of words and ideas on masculinity, social injustice,
and the voice of a young man struggling to find his place in the world. Rhythmic, gutsy,
unapologetic and not a typical theatrical experience.

1M:  mid- to late-20s, a disillusioned everyman, American accent

Electronic City by Falk Richter

Director:  Felicity Nicol (pictured) 
Designers:   Ally Mansell (set) &  
Genevieve Shrayer (costumes)  
Dramaturg:   Jane Bodie
Mentor:   Simon Stone  

Outline: Year? Unknown. Place? Anywhere. People? Lost. Explores our relationship with
the world, where time moves faster, people/places into the indistinguishable and reality is
a shifting quicksand. Non-specific 21stC space. An in between space (eg an airport,
limbo, waiting room.).

Tom: (20s-30s) Modern businessman, lost/confused, spinning out of control.
Joy: (20s) Modern temp worker, lost, daydreamer, lonely.
Chorus (between 5-15 people): Businessmen, movie executives, commentators, narrators,
provocators and audience. Bleeding between one to the other in an instant.
NB – The text is a dense, unstoppable avalanche. Interest in language and physical
expression is important.

Thirst by Eugene O’Neill

Director:   Dominic Mercer (pictured) 
Designer:   Katren Wood 
Dramaturg:   Jono Burns
Mentor:   Robyn Nevin  

Outline: Three characters; a gentleman, a coloured sailor and a dancer, are stuck on a
lifeboat. They have run out of food and water and don’t know how they will survive. Short,
punchy piece about how far people are willing to go to survive when resources become

Casting:  2M 1F 
Gentleman - Male, 20s/30s. A first class passenger. Well-spoken, refined, rakish Caucasian.
Sailor – Male, mid to late 20s. A regular crewman. Well-built, powerful, dangerous,
coloured. Can sing.
Dancer – Woman, early to mid 20s. A beautiful dancer. Attractive, impulsive, fragile,
Caucasian. Can dance.


Frenzy for Two by Eugene Ionesco

Director:   Rachel Baring (pictured) 
Designer:   Lauren O’Flaherty 
Dramaturg:   Melissa Lee Speyer
Mentor:   Tom Wright  

Outline: What do you do when a war is raging, when bombs are literally tearing down the
walls around you and soldiers are abducting your neighbours? You argue if a tortoise and
a snail are the same thing. An absurd comedy.

Casting: 3M, 2F
He: 30 – 45, divorced, has been in a relationship with She for 17 years, intelligent, practical
and feisty.
She: 30 – 45, left her husband for He, fierce, quick witted, attractive.
Soldier: 16 – 25 friendly (will be used physically throughout)
Neighbor: 20 – 30, newly married, excitable (will be used physically throughout)
Neighbor’s Wife: 20 – 30 newly married, excitable (will be used physically throughout)

The Collection by Harold Pinter

Director:   Mackenzie Steele (pictured) 
Designer:   Jessica O’Neill 
Dramaturg:  Hannah Malarski
Mentor:   Richard Cottrell  

Outline: In upper middle-class London in 1961, an alleged affair
between two dress designers leads to confrontation and retaliation. We need to be
simultaneously aware of the interior of both well-to-do households, which leaves the
design open to being staged realistically or abstractly.

Casting: 3M, 1F
Bill (M) – 20′s, upcoming fashion designer, cheeky, good-looking,
British accent
Harry (M) – 30′s-40′s, distinguished, socialite, stoic, British accent James (M) – mid-20′s-30′s,
fashion designer, headstrong, dangerous,
British accent
Stella (F) – mid-20′s-30′s, fashion designer, detached, enigmatic, independent, British

Push Up by Roland Schimmelpfennig

Director:   Renato Fabretti (pictured) 
Designer:   Jenny Shepherd 
Dramaturg:   Micharne Cloughley 
Mentor:  TBC

Outline: This piece looks directly to the personal and the intimate within
the high-rise business sector. Aka, the power and the frailty of kings.

Casting: 2M, 4F
Sabine (20-30) – Up-and-coming Advertising Executive, sharp, business, solitary but
Angelika (25-40) – Successful Company Director, married, unsure, fears her prime slipping,
strategic yet impulsive.
Robert (25-40) – somewhere between George Clooney in Michael Criton or James
MacEvoy in Wanted. Business is not everything to him, but he’s good at it. Proud.
Patrizia (20-35) – the sharpest new talent, brilliant, but exposed. She knows her work and
stands by it, but is this what’s most important to her?
Heinrich (18-40) – a cleaner, with Maria, who looks at the company with practical eyes,
grounded, charming, rough.
Maria (18-40) – a cleaner, with Heinrich, who looks at the company with romantic eyes,
sweet, cheeky, simple, kind. (think a young Miriam Margoyles)


The key production dates to note for the NIDA season are:

Mon 7th November   Rehearsals Commence (M-F 10am-6pm)

Mon 21st November   Tech Commences
Tues 29th November   Open Dress
Wed 30th Nov- Sat 3rd Dec  Season

This year, the six shows have also been programmed to tour in March 2012 to Theatre
Works, Melbourne & HotHouse Theatre, Albury. The touring dates are:

26th Feb-4th March    Albury
The Collector, Frenzy for Two, Push Up 
4th -11th March   Melbourne 
     Thirst, Electronic City, Howl 

If you are interested in auditioning for one or more of these productions please send your
preferences along with a current CV to or via post:

Lisa Burns
Postgraduate Course Coordinator
UNSW, Sydney
NSW 2052
Ph: (02) 96977608
You will be contacted by the respective director to organise an audition time. Please feel free to call or email with any queries.