Monday, October 17, 2011

Your Fee as an Actor

Dear Actors Hello!
I am writing from my new Headquarters in North Bondi Sydney!
The Sun is shining and I feel like I have come home!

I hope you are putting Your Secret Weapon to good use and building your Brand as an Actor, because apart from our creativity as Artists, we need to be well rounded business people too! For more, download THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR , only $9.95 NOW!

In the spirit of Working Smart not Hard, as I advise in my ebook, I was welcomed to Sydney with a great new job as a Daytime TV Presenter. This has brought up an issue I want to discuss with you about your Fee!

What do you think you are worth as an Actor? Do you do a lot of co op theatre or many short films free of charge or do you command a certain rate? Of course it all depends on the stage of your Career, however, as I experienced recently, I want to stress to you that you can negotiate what you are comfortable with. In my ebook I emphasise building a strong sense of self and this is what its all about!

I don't mean for you to be unreasonable and if there is no room for negotiation, you can decide whether the role is worth accepting. Weigh everything up, will it enhance your career, how long will it air, is it a role you would love to play etc etc. Then the fee. You are your Brand. What is your Brand Worth?

Always Here to Help,
Tula Tzoras

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