Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kerri -Anne ch 9 and 2 Day Workshop with Kari Harris

Hi dearest Actors,
I am sorry if I have been absent in the last few days! I have been busy presenting for Danoz Direct on the Kerri Anne show on Ch 9! Although I am primarily an Actor, I have to tell you I loved presenting this product as myself. I owned the product I was presenting for sale and was absolutely Authentic. It was great to allow my own personality to come out, instead of playing a character. The messages kept coming from the Control room that I was doing really well and they were really happy. It was fantastic!

The next 2 Day Actors Workshop based on THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR ebook I strongly recommend you download straight away from www.actorssecretweapon.com, is to be held with Kari Harris Casting on February 4/5, 2012 in Sydney, so keep those dates free if you are in Australia!

Wishing you the most amazing success using Your Secret Weapon from my ebook!
Always here to help,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tula,
    that's GREAT!! Goodonya!
    Shame that I'm not an actress, hehe! ;-)) The workshop on Feb 5th, my birthday's date, sounds really cool!! ^__^
    Hope to see you on Sunday 30th of Oct at the Cruelty Free Festival in Sydney!
    Wishing you all the best!
    Rosalba ^__^
