Monday, January 30, 2012

Actors! Scholarship and Masterclasses not to miss!

Dearest Actors Hello!
I hope that you have read The Secret of Your Success as an Actor ebook by now, if not you will receive a free download when you enrol in the truly transformative Event Kari Harris and I are putting together on the 18/19 Feb, 2012 at Fox Studios Sydney.
16th Street / Showcast Scholarship – APPLY
February 24-27
We have again teamed up with 16th Street Actors Studio to present another great opportunity for our members, the 2012 Ellen Burstyn Scholarship.
This scholarship offers an experienced actor the opportunity to further their craft with the Co-President and Artistic Director of The Actors Studio, New York, and one of the most celebrated and awarded actresses of our time, Ellen Burstyn.
Ellen Burstyn holds the rare honour of wining the triple-crown of acting (the Academy, Emmy and Tony Awards) from her numerous nominations in a career that has spanned over 50 years. Her performances are regarded as some of the finest in cinematic history. This, combined with her tenure at the legendary Actors Studio, ensures this will be a once-in-a lifetime experience. As this is a professional development program, a decision on the place will be determined according to the strength of application (credits, showreel/video and previous training).
All information on the masterclass is available at
Applications will be accepted until 5pm, February 3rd, 2012
The Scholarship
• One place in the 4-day masterclass to work with Ellen Burstyn
• Return airfare to Melbourne (for interstate recipients)
• Accommodation (for interstate recipients)
Scholarship Judges
• Nathan Lloyd (Casting Consultant, Mullinars)
• Kim Krejus (Creative Director, 16th Street)
• Robyn Nevin (Actor, former Artistic Director of Sydney Theatre Company)
• Danelle D’Costa (Showcast)
Selection Criteria
Applicants must:
• be a current Showcast member
• be available to be in Melbourne from February 24-27 2012 for rehearsal and the masterclass
• supply a CV, headshot and showreel
• have professional acting credits (feature film, television or main stage theatre)

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