Sunday, January 15, 2012

Your Brand as an Actor

Dearest Actors,
Happy 2012 and its looking like a Big one! If you haven't booked into the Must Attend Actor's Workshop with myself and Kari Harris, make sure you do pronto, places are filling up and you don't want to miss this, its unlike any workshop you have done before! Here's the link to the Facebook event:

Meanwhile, of course we are a brand and with that we need to be in top form in all areas. I hope you are looking after your instrument, ie your body, your voice, your diet, your emotional and spiritual lives as well as looking after business, promoting your brand with photos, videos, online etc. If you are not working, you can attend classes to keep your craft honed and if you can't afford that, team up with friends and work on scenes together or audition for some co op theatre! That's a great way to be seen by your peers and the industry.

I have been finding going to the beach, walking, swimming, getting close to nature highly creative. The best thing about being an Actor is stimulating and using our imagination, so let yourselves go, focus within and you will be amazed the ideas you come up with.
That happens to me daily!

I have been listening to Dr Deepak Chopra's lectures daily, a practice that ultimately infiltrates your cellular body and I thoroughly recommend it. I can vouch the changes occur automatically, without any effort on our part. Listen to the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success, put them into practice and watch as every day becomes a miracle for you!

That's all I have for today,
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras,
Author of THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR ebook available now for Instant Download

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