Monday, February 28, 2011

Offspring and Creating Work

Hi All,
I hope you are having a great day and are taking one step towards your dream to be an Actor every day, keeping a clear vision of your goal!
I just got back from an Audition for Offspring the new series, using all the tips I share with you in my E-Book, THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, you can grab an instant download of at
On other news, I tried Champix, a medication to stop smoking and had the worst side effects! Sleeplessness, nausea and depression, not like me at all. Have you had that kind of reaction to Champix? I had to stop it straight away!
We are pitching the half hour show for Touch ups with Tula (on You Tube) at the moment so fingers crossed!
On creating your own work, waiting around for the phone to ring is not an option! Get out there and make your art! Here's what a film maker had to say:
Making Independent Film: Bill Mousoulis

Why do you make independent films?

"I make films, full stop. It doesn't matter whether they're funded or not. I've had some work funded, some not. The ideal, of course, is to be able to secure financing whilst maintaining creative independence (as someone like Rolf de Heer seems to have established). For me, the most important thing is the idea that each film has. This has to be adhered to. If I can obtain funding for a particular idea, then I welcome it – apart from having money to make the film, it can assist or even guarantee a certain degree of profile and distribution for the work. But there are too many filmmakers going for too few funding spots. Therefore, my strategy is that if I can't get funding, I go ahead and make the film anyway, even though it may not get screened much as a result. I'd rather do that than keep waiting for the phone call that never comes, the nod of approval that never materialises. And let's not forget that art, ultimately, is its own reward…"

Members can read the full interview at:

Monday, February 21, 2011


Hi lovely Actors and Aspiring Actors!
I love sharing with you and welcome all your comments. How are things going for you in your journey as Working Actors? As long as you take simple steps every day towards your Dream and keep a clear vision of where you want to be, you are honoring your soul purpose!

Don't forget we are a Brand and it is up to us to be the best we can be! Make sure you read THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, only $9.95 Instant Download and on reading lists at major Drama Institutions for a very good reason.

Here at Tula central, never a dull moment, just the way I like it. I am following up with TV Networks on the Submissions I have made for shows and Guess what? Today I also entered a competition to do a Radio gig! As Actors, we can venture into all sorts of creative pursuits and that keeps us fulfilled, so look out for all opportunities!

Always here to help,
Love Tula

Thursday, February 17, 2011


What do you do when the suspense is killing you? Waiting to hear from an audition, waiting waiting, we do so much of that! Presently I am waiting to hear about the concepts I pitched, my sweat, blood and tears for years, all my dreams in one.
Sometimes its so hard to stay inspired and positive and trust that all is as it should be and things happen in perfect timing and I guess that’s our challenge!
Wishing you a great weekend, fellow actors and aspiring actors!
Always here to help,
“The Secret of YOur Success as an Actor”

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pitch to TV Networks!

My dearest Actors and aspiring Actors,
Its been a really exciting and nerve wracking time here at central headquarters!
I have now finished sending out submissions for three shows including Touch ups with Tula (on You Tube) and my blood, sweat and tears of years working on my humanitarian project, The Crazy Crusader!
After all this time its all in the hands of the powers that be!
Please keep your fingers crossed for me!
The greatest gift I can give you is The Secret of Your Success as an Actor, only $9.95!
Always here to help,

Monday, February 14, 2011

From Head of Acting NIDA! Check this out!

Dear Aspiring Actors hello!
I just hosted the Hottest Hunks Final for 2011, it was so much fun! Us Actors need to be versatile and there are so many things we can do! As you may know, last year I created/produced and performed in Touch ups with Tula, which is now being pitched to the networks. You can also watch it on You Tube! Meanwhile I just received this about THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR and I am so excited I wanted to share it with you! Its a must read for only $9.95 and you can download it Instantly!
Check this out!
‘Tula Tzoras has written the most extraordinary and valuable book for anyone who wishes to work in the acting profession. It is helpful, insightful, and full of terrific advice. I thoroughly recommend it.’
Cheers - Tony
Tony Knight
Head of Acting
215 Anzac Parade, Kensington, NSW
TEL:+61 2 9697 7622 FAX:+61 2 9662 7415
POST:UNSW, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Always here to help,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

From Head of Acting NIDA!

Hi all!
Check this out! so exciting! The Secret of Your Success as an Actor, now just $9.95 for Instant Download!
‘Tula Tzoras has written the most extraordinary and valuable book for anyone who wishes to work in the acting profession. It is helpful, insightful, and full of terrific advice. I thoroughly recommend it.’
Cheers – Tony
Tony Knight
Head of Acting
215 Anzac Parade, Kensington, NSW

Insider Secrets

My dear Actors,
Happy Monday! I hope you are as excited about a new week and new possibilities as I am !
Yesterday we represented Touch ups with Tula in our special pink T'shirts at the Gay Pride Parade and festival to raise awareness that you can watch us on You Tube! It was loads of fun!
As Actors, we need to have both sides of our brain active, its as much about promoting your brand as honing your skills as an actor! 
I thought you may get something out of these quotes from other industry insiders:

Getting To Know The Industry

It's always best to meet people in person, rather than phone them or send them an email. People are far more likely to remember you and want to work with you if they meet you in the flesh. Naomi West

People are very busy working or trying to get work for themselves, so don't expect to be able to meet with people repeatedly or jump on the phone to them at any time. Email is the best way of keeping in touch because people can respond when it suits them. Naomi West

Have balls of steel and don't be afraid to front up to people. But be prepared… make sure you have something to say. Michael Robinson

Go wherever actors congregate! Martin Fabinyi

The Dog's Bar in St Kilda always has a steady flow of actors keen to tell a few stories… buy them a beer. Michael Robinson

Members can read dozens more insider secrets on this topic at:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I thoroughly recommend this for you!

Applications for the Full Time Course: 
Close Tuesday February 8th at Midnight! 
Last opportunity to regsiter your interest for the MAA Full Time Screen Acting Course - applications close in SIX days!  If you are looking to plan your year, want comprehensive training three days a week and wish to learn from people 'in-the-industry' then read on...

Actor Training Taught in an Industry Context
Highlights from the Course Calendar  
A Little About The Course

Students will learn the craft of screen performance in a supportive environment under the tutorage of renowned national and international teachers, actors, directors, producers and casting directors; most of which are currently working in the film and television industry. This course is personified by its commitment to bringing the best teachers to Melbourne, its emphasis on accessing industry talent as frequently as possible and is unique in having three Guest International Tutors at key intersections throughout the course.
Full Time Course - Industry Tutors
Geoffrey Wright (dir. Romper Stomper, Macbeth)
John Jarratt (Wolf Creek)
Tammy MacIntosh (All Saints, Sea Patrol)
Stephen Costan (former Head of Voice for the Victorian College of the Arts)
Ric Pellizzeri (producer on the forthcoming ‘Underbelly’ series)
Shane Connor (Neighbours, Killing Time, City Homicide)
Australian Casting Directors (Local and interstate)
Australian Television Directors (Local and interstate)
Australian Film Directors (Ben Shackleford - Centre Place)
Full Time Course - Guest International Tutors 
Howard Fine - award winning LA acting coach
Lynette Sheldon - one of New York's finest acting coaches
Scott Williams - leading UK Meisner coach
What You Need To Know (in brief)
The full time course is a challenging and rigorous journey, that will require students to undertake several hours of study outside of class hours. To enable the course to move at the desired speed, previous performance experience or training is required. Admission into the course is through audition and interview.
Applications close: 8 February 2011
Application fee: $40 non-refundable application fee
Auditions: 12 and 13 February 2011
Course duration: 34 weeks, Wednesday 9 March – Friday 2 December 2011
Contact days: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday (9.30 am – 5.15 pm)
Term one:    Wednesday 9 March – Friday 29 April (8 weeks)
Term two:    Wednesday 18 May – Friday 15 July (9 weeks)
Term three: Wednesday 3 August – Friday 30 September (9 weeks)
Term four:   Wednesday 12 October – Friday 2 December (8 weeks)
Course fee: $9,900 including GST 
All the best with auditions, shows and filming.
For those in Sydney - best of luck with Short and Sweet! 
Kind regards
The MAA Team

For further details please contact:
Melbourne Acting Academy Team
Melb: (03) 9038 8054
Syd: (02) 9011 6398
After hours: 04888 ACTOR

Visit us on the Web: