Sunday, February 6, 2011

Insider Secrets

My dear Actors,
Happy Monday! I hope you are as excited about a new week and new possibilities as I am !
Yesterday we represented Touch ups with Tula in our special pink T'shirts at the Gay Pride Parade and festival to raise awareness that you can watch us on You Tube! It was loads of fun!
As Actors, we need to have both sides of our brain active, its as much about promoting your brand as honing your skills as an actor! 
I thought you may get something out of these quotes from other industry insiders:

Getting To Know The Industry

It's always best to meet people in person, rather than phone them or send them an email. People are far more likely to remember you and want to work with you if they meet you in the flesh. Naomi West

People are very busy working or trying to get work for themselves, so don't expect to be able to meet with people repeatedly or jump on the phone to them at any time. Email is the best way of keeping in touch because people can respond when it suits them. Naomi West

Have balls of steel and don't be afraid to front up to people. But be prepared… make sure you have something to say. Michael Robinson

Go wherever actors congregate! Martin Fabinyi

The Dog's Bar in St Kilda always has a steady flow of actors keen to tell a few stories… buy them a beer. Michael Robinson

Members can read dozens more insider secrets on this topic at:

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