Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I thoroughly recommend this for you!

Applications for the Full Time Course: 
Close Tuesday February 8th at Midnight! 
Last opportunity to regsiter your interest for the MAA Full Time Screen Acting Course - applications close in SIX days!  If you are looking to plan your year, want comprehensive training three days a week and wish to learn from people 'in-the-industry' then read on...

Actor Training Taught in an Industry Context
Highlights from the Course Calendar  
A Little About The Course

Students will learn the craft of screen performance in a supportive environment under the tutorage of renowned national and international teachers, actors, directors, producers and casting directors; most of which are currently working in the film and television industry. This course is personified by its commitment to bringing the best teachers to Melbourne, its emphasis on accessing industry talent as frequently as possible and is unique in having three Guest International Tutors at key intersections throughout the course.
Full Time Course - Industry Tutors
Geoffrey Wright (dir. Romper Stomper, Macbeth)
John Jarratt (Wolf Creek)
Tammy MacIntosh (All Saints, Sea Patrol)
Stephen Costan (former Head of Voice for the Victorian College of the Arts)
Ric Pellizzeri (producer on the forthcoming ‘Underbelly’ series)
Shane Connor (Neighbours, Killing Time, City Homicide)
Australian Casting Directors (Local and interstate)
Australian Television Directors (Local and interstate)
Australian Film Directors (Ben Shackleford - Centre Place)
Full Time Course - Guest International Tutors 
Howard Fine - award winning LA acting coach
Lynette Sheldon - one of New York's finest acting coaches
Scott Williams - leading UK Meisner coach
What You Need To Know (in brief)
The full time course is a challenging and rigorous journey, that will require students to undertake several hours of study outside of class hours. To enable the course to move at the desired speed, previous performance experience or training is required. Admission into the course is through audition and interview.
Applications close: 8 February 2011
Application fee: $40 non-refundable application fee
Auditions: 12 and 13 February 2011
Course duration: 34 weeks, Wednesday 9 March – Friday 2 December 2011
Contact days: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday (9.30 am – 5.15 pm)
Term one:    Wednesday 9 March – Friday 29 April (8 weeks)
Term two:    Wednesday 18 May – Friday 15 July (9 weeks)
Term three: Wednesday 3 August – Friday 30 September (9 weeks)
Term four:   Wednesday 12 October – Friday 2 December (8 weeks)
Course fee: $9,900 including GST 
All the best with auditions, shows and filming.
For those in Sydney - best of luck with Short and Sweet! 
Kind regards
The MAA Team

For further details please contact:
Melbourne Acting Academy Team
e: info@melbourneactingacademy.com.au
Melb: (03) 9038 8054
Syd: (02) 9011 6398
After hours: 04888 ACTOR

Visit us on the Web: www.melbourneactingacademy.com.au

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