Thursday, July 14, 2011

Its all about Perception!

Happy Friday Y'All!
Ever notice how perception can influence how you see everything and the results? Sound a bit airy fairy, ok, let me explain where I am coming from.

Over the years I have constantly heard Actors complain that they are not working, or they are not working enough. I have heard them blame their Agents, the Industry, the Country etc. Going to Actors Networking Events I have heard Speakers talk about their hate of Auditions and instill more fear into the hearts of our young Actors. These are just some examples of how Perception can alter our experiences.

Now I may have angered a few Actors, so let me put this in perspective. When an A list Actor who has done more feature films in starring roles than most complains she is not getting enough work I am gobsmacked, because my perception would be to be grateful for all the wonderful work she has had.

It is my experience that thinking the best of everyone and every situation attracts the Best! If you think your agent is not working for you, what are the chances they are not?
If you think the best of your Agent, develop a great working relationship , what are the chances your Agent will sell you with all their might?

On Auditions: OOOOhhh dread! NO! What if your Audition was thought of as the actual job you are going for? Don't we love performing? So if in your mind you actually feel that the Audition is the job, you prepare your character, dress in character, use all the tools I give you in THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR E-BOOK (DOWNLOAD NOW!) and perform as if you are actually in the role working. What would happen then?
Would you enjoy your audition? Would you have the best chance of winning the role?

Life is about Fun and loving what we do and everyone around us! How can that not bring you the most Amazing Reality?
That's all I have for you today,
Always here to help,

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