Monday, July 11, 2011

Rolling with the Punches in our Industry

My dearest Actors and All Creative Souls,
Today is a sad day for me as a producer. I have been pitching shows to networks all year and at last SBS was seriously considering Touch ups with Tula, the half hour show, which I thought was very positive. Well today I heard NO, apparently they are only interested in male comedy shows at the moment.
That got me thinking that in our industry non judgement is essential. If you think about it, we spend just as much time getting rerejected as we do working, so in a way its all part of our job! If we have a strong sense of self, able to silence internal dialogue which deems things right or wrong, we can accept co existing values as equal!
That is why I wrote THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, to give you a different perspective.
So onwards and upwards we go!
Always here to help,
love Tula

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