Thursday, July 7, 2011

On missing out

Dearest Actors and all Creative Souls,
Hello! I am sorry its been a while since I shared with you. Today I want to talk about missing out on getting an Acting job. Recently I went for an ad and was happy to be asked to a callback, which means I was on the shortlist.
At the callback we had to let our inner child out to play, which is something I love to do! I had so much fun and felt great and quite confident, using all my tools, which I share with you in THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR.
Well guess what? I missed out and why? “I wasn’t suburban enough”. At the beginning of my career winning a role meant everything to me. I used to get so devastated when I got down to the last couple of Actors for the part and missed out.
Now, I say its all part of the job. There is no need to take missing out personally. There are so many factors that go into casting  a role. When one door closes another opens and more times than not it opens for something even better!
So onwards and upwards we go!
I love your comments, please feel free to join discussions and share your experiences. The point is we all help each other!
I hope you have a great day,

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