Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Hi dearest Actors!
Here at Tula Central it looks like a bomb has hit! I am in the throes of culling, everything has to go before I base myself back in Sydney, where the work is! It is so cleansing getting rid of Stuff!
Ah the life of the Actor, here there and everywhere. We are not in the easiest of professions are we? Between the creativity, business savvy necessity, rejections, more than another person would experience by a million times, competition etc etc its a wonder any of us are sane!
That’s another subject. I see so many Celebrities battle with weight, addictions, relationships and self destructive patterns. That’s why I wrote THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR ebook for you and that’s why I specialise in Life Coaching for Actors, because I have been one for over 20 years and have worked just as hard on personal growth for that time. That’s why,
I am always here to help!
love Tula Tzoras

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Acting and Personal Values

Happy Monday dear Actors!
I hope this finds you well and practicing your Secret Weapon from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR ebook!

I was watching an episode of the Glee Project the other night, where one of the contestants had issues kissing another contestant in a scene due to his religious beliefs. It reminded me of a role I was cast in playing a porn starlet for a feature film, then called The Venus Factory. All of a sudden I thought of my parents and their conservative background and started fearing the day they may watch the film!

When I spoke with them however, their response was "you are an actor, its your job to play characters". I was astounded and of course they were right. As an Actor we must inhabit characters and become their vehicle. We do not play ourselves. Therefore religious beliefs and personal value systems do not come into it. The poor kid from the Glee Project is not an actor of course and that's why his religious beliefs stopped him from acting in that scene.

Well, I am in the throes of preparing to move back to Sydney in a month! Having to fly up for castings has become untenable, we must go where the work is!

Flat out as I am, I am always thinking of you fellow Actors,
Always here to help

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rejection is a Part of Development!

Dearest Actors,
I hope this finds you well and happy and you are using your Secret Weapon from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR e-book and Creating your dreams!

Here at Tula Central, I am holding on to the very wise statement that "Every failure is the seed of Success". As an Actor, I also Create and Produce, amongst other things. Well, for the entire year I have been pitching a total of 8 programs to Television Networks. My Mentor told me "I write a great concept" ! We are now in August and on that front I have heard No, No, No, Maybe and NO! At one point the ABC considered 3 of my shows for weeks before they said No. SBS did the same with 2 of my shows.

How can one avoid the feeling of disappointment, especially when the most important of all Shows is aimed at Empowering people in Developing Nations and ceasing Suffering and Hunger and Disease?
Well, I can't. All I can do is take one day at a time and be grateful for what I have, taking well into consideration that rejection is just a part of development in Television and it is all about timing.

As Actors Rejection is also a part of our Journey. But we plant the seeds and in good time they blossom into the most beautiful flowers. So we hold on tight to our Dream with Unshakeable Purpose and take all the Actions we need to Every Day!

Check out my new page on Coaching and Courses,!
Always here to help,

Monday, August 22, 2011

Acting and Life!

Hi Dear Aspiring, Working and Struggling Actors,
Yesterday was my brother in law's birthday. My parents live near my sister and family, so I dropped in to see them first. Dad surprised me with a video that was taken in the 80s of us. It was amazing to see us all so young and acknowledge the time that has passed.

My sister is heavily pregnant at the moment and I gave her a hand preparing streamers and cake and presents with the help of my precious 3 year old niece. My parents arrived and we all had a priceless family evening celebrating.

With everything that's happening in the world at the moment, I have been thinking how fragile life is and how important it is for us as Actors to be able to use the wealth of life experience in our work, but also to ensure that we are not so fully obsessed with Acting, as I confess I have been in the past, that we loose all sight of balance and what really matters, Love!

The 2 Day Intensive Workshop for Actors, based on THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS E-BOOK, in Melbourne is filling up for this weekend, make sure you book in asap and you can bring a friend free, email

Always here to help,

Sunday, August 21, 2011

2 Day Intensive Not to Miss, Bring a friend Free!

‎2 Day Intensive This Weekend! I can't wait to Empower you all with Practical Tools to Arm you for the Best life and Career you can have my dearest Aspiring, working and Struggling Actors!
So I decided to extend the Book Now and Bring a Friend Free till this Thursday ok? Auditors can also attend for just $88.
Make sure you name your payments and email any enquiries
JUST DON'T MISS IT! It can really help :)
Email NOW 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Book Now and Bring a Friend Free!

Happy Friday Dearest Aspiring, Working or Struggling Actors, Guess what? Book for the 2 Day Intensive Workshop by Tuesday (23rd) and you can bring a friend free! Its such a Vital and Exciting Event, so I have decided The More the Messier! Auditors are welcome at a discounted price, but you must email me asap and make your payments by Tue to bring a friend free. Email
Workshop Price $215
Auditors $88
Please ensure you put your names on your payments, then email and you will receive your free Download of THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS ebook
Its tooooo exciting!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fast Approaching in Melbourne!

The time is fast approaching for the 2 day Intensive Workshop in Melbourne on Aug 27/28, its promising to be a really Powerful weekend for Actors! So if you are in Melbourne don't miss it! There are limited places, so book now at I posted the course breakdown for you and it includes a free Download of THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR E-book!

Being an Actor is like being Change itself and one thing we can take for granted in life is Change! In the last few weeks I have been between Melbourne and Sydney with Castings. After living in Melbourne for the last 3 years and enjoying my family, I am now planning to return to Sydney for work. Luckily I have very close friends there and really, after a while, its only geography.

As usual I have so much going on, with my pitch in at SBS for JUST DO IT, my humanitarian documentary series, the 2 day Intensive Workshop coming up and then running all over the country and Castings for jobs, Microphone work etc etc

I am really looking forward to the 2 Day Intensive, it will be so beneficial for all and develop great networks of Actors using their Secret Weapon!
I can't wait to meet you All!
Always here to help,

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Intensive 2 Day Course Breakdown, Melbourne, 27/28 August

On Reading Lists at NIDA and other major Drama Institutions,
CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 90Author Tula Tzoras Now Presents

A Two Day Intensive Workshop for Actors

Actors will gain Experiential Knowledge, which will Empower them, Inspire them and Give them Practical Tools in their Career and Life as an Actor!

Unlike Any Other Course, Actors will have the opportunity to Practice Using Their Secret Weapon from the E-Book and will learn how to LOVE Auditions as much as they Love Performance, rather than dread them!



§       Introduction
§       Exercises
§       Identifying Patterns and Limiting Beliefs
§       How to change Perceptions
§       Successful Relationship Building
§       The Actor’s Secret Weapon

1pm-2pm         LUNCH

2pm-6pm         THE BUSINESS OF ACTING
§       Working Smart Not Hard
§       The Basics
§       How to Build Your Brand
§       Increasing Your Profile
§       Industry Dos and Don’t’s



Using all the tools Actors have learnt including Their Secret Weapon, they will prepare an Audition piece for Camera.

Actors will be paired into couples for Auditions and perform their scenes.


Actors will have the opportunity of seeing their Auditions and Express how they felt, as well as receive feedback from All.

Day 2 will end with a new Network of Actors who can go on to Support each other and Practice their Secret Weapon, achieving their Ultimate Career and Life as an Actor.

27 / 28 August 2011

$215 including a Free Download of THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR E-BOOK.

To secure a Place, Actors are asked to pay a $100 deposit, with the Balance Payable on Day 1 of the Course.

Westpac Bank
BSB 732016
AC    513189

Actors must Read the E-Book prior to the Course and Prepare a scene for their Audition, preferably a two hander.

For Bookings please email


Monday, August 15, 2011

The Secret of Your Success as an Actor Intensive Workshops, Australia

Based on THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS E-Book, I will now be running intensive workshops to give Actors experiential knowledge they need, at a venue near you! Empowering, Inspirational and Practical, it covers Life Skills for Actors, The business of Acting and Auditions, how to love them as much as Performing. Please send expressions of Interest to!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Casting Directors and Directors

Dearest Actors,
I hope this finds you well and truly on your way to success! Today I am going to give you a little tip, one that many working Actors use on Casting Directors and Directors of projects you wish to work on!

Whatever you do, ensure you Download my e-book first! The Secret of Your Success as an Actor, Industry Acclaimed. Go to

Ok! Apart from having an agent, there is absolutely no harm in informing Casting Directors when you work, sending them footage or inviting them to a show you are doing. It helps keep you fresh in their mind and allows them to see you play different roles.

Research upcoming productions and find out what they are about. You can express your interest to the Director of the Project you wish to work on!

Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

Monday, August 1, 2011

Apple ibookstore!

The Secret of Your Success as an Actor will soon be available on the Apple ibookstore! Its been quite a process, having an e-book online I have had to become tech friendly, but learning keeps us young doesn’t it?
It is so important to be creatively fulfilled for us souls, there is so much we can do between Acting jobs and I find that keeps me happy!
At the moment I am also preparing a pitch for a TV documentary to end the poverty and suffering of the developing world, I can’t stand it!
Be centred and listen to the soft whisperings of your Highest Self and you will always know what to do!
Always here to help,