Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Hi dearest Actors!
Here at Tula Central it looks like a bomb has hit! I am in the throes of culling, everything has to go before I base myself back in Sydney, where the work is! It is so cleansing getting rid of Stuff!
Ah the life of the Actor, here there and everywhere. We are not in the easiest of professions are we? Between the creativity, business savvy necessity, rejections, more than another person would experience by a million times, competition etc etc its a wonder any of us are sane!
That’s another subject. I see so many Celebrities battle with weight, addictions, relationships and self destructive patterns. That’s why I wrote THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR ebook for you and that’s why I specialise in Life Coaching for Actors, because I have been one for over 20 years and have worked just as hard on personal growth for that time. That’s why,
I am always here to help!
love Tula Tzoras

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