Monday, August 22, 2011

Acting and Life!

Hi Dear Aspiring, Working and Struggling Actors,
Yesterday was my brother in law's birthday. My parents live near my sister and family, so I dropped in to see them first. Dad surprised me with a video that was taken in the 80s of us. It was amazing to see us all so young and acknowledge the time that has passed.

My sister is heavily pregnant at the moment and I gave her a hand preparing streamers and cake and presents with the help of my precious 3 year old niece. My parents arrived and we all had a priceless family evening celebrating.

With everything that's happening in the world at the moment, I have been thinking how fragile life is and how important it is for us as Actors to be able to use the wealth of life experience in our work, but also to ensure that we are not so fully obsessed with Acting, as I confess I have been in the past, that we loose all sight of balance and what really matters, Love!

The 2 Day Intensive Workshop for Actors, based on THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS E-BOOK, in Melbourne is filling up for this weekend, make sure you book in asap and you can bring a friend free, email

Always here to help,

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