Sunday, August 28, 2011

Acting and Personal Values

Happy Monday dear Actors!
I hope this finds you well and practicing your Secret Weapon from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR ebook!

I was watching an episode of the Glee Project the other night, where one of the contestants had issues kissing another contestant in a scene due to his religious beliefs. It reminded me of a role I was cast in playing a porn starlet for a feature film, then called The Venus Factory. All of a sudden I thought of my parents and their conservative background and started fearing the day they may watch the film!

When I spoke with them however, their response was "you are an actor, its your job to play characters". I was astounded and of course they were right. As an Actor we must inhabit characters and become their vehicle. We do not play ourselves. Therefore religious beliefs and personal value systems do not come into it. The poor kid from the Glee Project is not an actor of course and that's why his religious beliefs stopped him from acting in that scene.

Well, I am in the throes of preparing to move back to Sydney in a month! Having to fly up for castings has become untenable, we must go where the work is!

Flat out as I am, I am always thinking of you fellow Actors,
Always here to help

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