Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rejection is a Part of Development!

Dearest Actors,
I hope this finds you well and happy and you are using your Secret Weapon from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR e-book and Creating your dreams!

Here at Tula Central, I am holding on to the very wise statement that "Every failure is the seed of Success". As an Actor, I also Create and Produce, amongst other things. Well, for the entire year I have been pitching a total of 8 programs to Television Networks. My Mentor told me "I write a great concept" ! We are now in August and on that front I have heard No, No, No, Maybe and NO! At one point the ABC considered 3 of my shows for weeks before they said No. SBS did the same with 2 of my shows.

How can one avoid the feeling of disappointment, especially when the most important of all Shows is aimed at Empowering people in Developing Nations and ceasing Suffering and Hunger and Disease?
Well, I can't. All I can do is take one day at a time and be grateful for what I have, taking well into consideration that rejection is just a part of development in Television and it is all about timing.

As Actors Rejection is also a part of our Journey. But we plant the seeds and in good time they blossom into the most beautiful flowers. So we hold on tight to our Dream with Unshakeable Purpose and take all the Actions we need to Every Day!

Check out my new page on Coaching and Courses, www.actorssecretweapon.com!
Always here to help,

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