Tuesday, September 6, 2011

On the Move

Hi there dearest Actors!
Hope you are practicing Your Secret Weapon from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR ebook! Now there is an Intensive Workshop available based on the book, focussing on Life Skills for Actors, The business of Acting and How to LOVE Auditions as much as you LOVE Performing. Its a whole new perspective! Details on my site www.actorssecretweapon.com

Meanwhile I am on the move, arranging everything for my departure back to Sydney! I have found a great place in North Bondi near the beach, I can't wait. So sad to leave family and friends, but so excited about new possibilities! Luckily I have great friends in Sydney too, where I spent 17 years of my life and Career.

Selling on Ebay is another world, Wow! I am selling or giving away just about everything. The other day I gave 5 huge bags to charity and I have to tell you, I feel so much lighter already! I love my pretty things and I have made my place look just the way I like, but funnily enough, the one thing I was most attached to was my plant. I have watched it grow from a baby to ceiling height!

Other than that I was hit by a Truck , know the expression? Yes, a truck crashed into my car, lovely. These days I just watch things happen and say ok!

Always here to help,

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