Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Importance of Presence!

Dearest Actors hi!
Here at Tula Central its all systems go and as with any move there is much more than usual going on. The only way to cope is to stay present! That is why I wrote THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR ebook and I emphasize Life Skills for Actors.
As Actors, there are two types of presence we need. One is to have Presence on stage, on set, in a room. The other is to BE Present! Why is this so important?
If you are thinking about your girlfriend, drama whatever it is, have million things on your mind, how do you possibly “listen’ to your fellow Actor in the scene and respond Authentically?
A wise man said ‘ being present is being in the Presence of God’.
Being Present is no easy feat mind you. It takes practice and work eliminating dramas and judgements that keep our minds churning.
For more information Download my ebook!
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

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