Monday, September 12, 2011


Hi fellow Thespians!
Ever feel like an elastic band, playing a role and in life? The other night I was watching a report on Hoarders, people who have an addiction to things and attach their worth to them, creating unlivable spaces and misery for themselves. It seemed to me, like any addiction, these people could well benefit from a 12 step program, but the experts treating them didn’t follow that path.
My point is, I thought, I am the opposite! I seem to relish on not having much and feel lighter and free, as I do now, in the process of basing myself back in Sydney and literally going with a carload.
Now today I want to ensure you are registered with Showcast and AT2 if you are in Australia. They are the Industry directories for Actors. You can register with or without an Agent, so make sure you do. Both these companies send out e-newsletters with news to keep you in the loop on upcoming productions and AT2 also have a Casting system, where you receive direct castings ! This is especially great if you are just beginning your career.
For more info download my ebook, THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR!
If you are not in Australia, do some research and find out what your Industry online directories are.
Always here to help,

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