Sunday, September 25, 2011

AT2 Casting Briefs

My dearest fellow Thespians,
I hope this finds you well and happy and practising your craft. Here in Australia we have the benefit of receiving briefs for Castings from AT2, one of the two main casting online directories and I recommend you register with them if you want to be seen and considered, whether you are represented by an agent or not.
I have copied an example of a brief sent to me for you. Although most of these are unpaid gigs, they are great for meeting new directors and material for your showreel, especially if you are just starting out!

Meanwhile, I hope you are putting Your Own Secret Weapon, from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR ebook into practice, to Create exactly what you would like!

I am spending a few days with family, before I take off to base myself back in Sydney for some great upcoming work!
Talk soon!

 AT2 MAIL: you have an ICAST brief!

Hello Tula Tzoras (Bedford & Pearce Management),
You have been selected to submit yourself via AT2 for the Short Film, "Thought Tracker" please see the details below:

Brief:Thought Tracker
Role Opportunities:Reese, Trodan, Virgil, President Statton, TV reporter, Psychologist, Dr. Walker

Anna Snoekstra has requested that you access AT2 and respond to your brief online.
Good luck and we hope this opportunity is suitable for you and that you are successful in your submissions.
Please DO NOT reply to this message as it is an automatically generated email from AT2.
Thanks from The AT2 Team

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