Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Recommendation Actors!

My dear fellow Thespians,
I hope you are having a really great and creatively fulfilling time following your soul purpose, assuming you have read my ebook THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR and are putting your Secret Weapon to Practice!

Here at Tula Central I have been in the throes of moving house, oh the joy! Despite having given away or sold everything I could, I still couldn't manage to fit it all in a single car load. It is absolutely and totally exhausting no matter what you do!  I stood and watched my things feeling a little defeated I couldn't achieve my purpose.

But we 'can't sweat the small stuff can we?

Now I have some great news for you! Seeing as I am leaving Melbourne and basing myself in Sydney, if you are practising your Secret Weapon and need some one on one guidance or need to Reconnect I have found the Perfect man for you and I know this because I had the experience myself!

I would never recommend anyone to you I don't think would benefit you immensely. His name is Ben Ormonde and you can see his website and follow his blog as well.
Here are the details:
His site is
Remember You are the Creator of Your Dream!
Always here to help,

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