Monday, October 4, 2010

Creating Your Own Acting Work!

My dearest Actors Hello!
Whether you are starting out or returning to Acting or struggling, there is nothing better than creating your own work to avoid that feeling of desperation and lack we have talked about!
A great way to do that is to join AT2, which is one of two online directories for all Actors and the benefit in that is that you can become visible to the Industry and join icast, which will send you loads of castings for work.
The work is usually not paid but the benefit will be in gaining material for your Showreel and meeting up and coming directors and producers. Without a Showreel you will be unable to find a great agent.
We have started shooting Touch ups with Tula, a way to keep busy for me too! You can join us on Facebook!
Always remember your Secret Weapon and you will have absolutely no trouble attracting the ideal work to you!
Love Tula

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