Monday, October 11, 2010

The Right Agent For You!

 My dear Actors,
Having been in the Industry for over 20 years I have had a few agents and it was over time I achieved a really great relationship and a successful one with my agent.
My advice to you is not to rush your decision to join an agency. There is a possibility that you can end up in a worse position than you were in before if you make the wrong decision.
It is really important to research the Agency first. Find out how long they have been in business, what the background of the Agent is, how many people work for the agency, how many people they represent. Do they have a website? Do they have working Actors on their books? 
In your meeting with the Agent, find out where they get the most work for their Actors, for instance is it theatre, TV, commercials, films? Be clear on what you want to focus on and find out whether what they do suits you. 
Another major key factor is the relationship you have with your Agent. There is no point feeling intimidated whenever you speak to them, or feeling you can't speak to them. As Actors we have to be great business people too, relationships we build are vital to our success. 
Of course if you are using Your Secret Weapon, you will have positive results and trust that the Agent you choose is doing the best for you and representing you in the light you wish to be represented. 
I hope this helps you in your journey! 
Here to Help,
Tula Tzoras

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