Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I have had heaps of questions about Hosting, WordPress etc and I promised to get you the best deal.
If you are an Actor, YOU are the Product and if you want to be a Successful Brand you need your own Website!
Guess what I have done for you? I have worked out how you can do it virtually FREEE!
So here’s what you do!
1. Get yourself a Domain Name, say from Go Daddy
2. Click on the Hostgator banner I have provided for you and get web hosting from $4.95 per month! AND Quote Coupon Code “discountoffertthostgator” for $9.95 off!
3. WordPress Sites are Free! So you just create your own! Only thing is you will have to learn how to use it unless you are a techy, that’s why I have the DSM Publishing link on my site, because they can help you step by step and get your BRAND out there toooooo!
How good am I to you? Love my Actors,

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