Tuesday, October 5, 2010

From One of My Readers! OMG

Hi guys! Today I received a Facebook message I really wanted to share with you!
I don’t know about you, but I am forever working and chipping away and quite often when I am filming or performing on stage, or when my e-book is read, I forget the impact all that can have in just doing what I do. Here’s what Lyusyena had to say:
“I just finished reading your book THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR and being so inspired after I was trying to find out some more information about you, just to express how very thankful I am for your book! I want to say that your book is very helpful, useful, inspiring and powerful and thank you so much for sharing your valuable experiences! I’ve always wanted to be an actress and now pushing any doubts and fears away I decided to take an actin on my dream and your book is just a gift for anyone who’s in position like this when you have no idea what first action to take, where to begin, wht to learn and so on. Thank you for being so generous and kind, people like you make this world a better place. We are all one and make a difference! Thank you so much! God Bless you! ”
With wishes of love, joy and happiness to you
How beautiful is that feedback?
Love Tula

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