Thursday, March 31, 2011


My dearest Aspiring and Working Actors, thought this may interest you :Making Sense Of Globalism In Media And Entertainment: Frank Howson

With so many Australian actors heading overseas, where does that leave the Australian industry in terms of talent pools and why is it so difficult to attract these actors back to work on Australian productions?

"It obviously depends on your personal priorities, but I'm pleased that a lot of Australia's top talents do tend to come back every few projects and do a home-grown one. I think it's important that they use their names and international standing to shine a light back on the local industry every now and then. Their involvement makes it possible for other local names to be noticed by the international community and given a possible break. And so it goes on, and on. This helps maintain a star system of bankable names that can initiate projects through their participation."

How can actors (and directors) balance their desire to succeed on an international level with their desire to support the local industry?

"By keeping a foot in both camps. Jack Nicholson has balanced his career by making a big commercial film followed by a few arthouse ones that obviously mean a lot to him. The hits enable him to take risks. For everything you take, give something back. Can't say it any more simply than that…"

Members can read the full interview at:

Always here to help,

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Getting Your Brand Out There

Dearest Aspiring and Working Actors,
There is always a particular way to navigate yourselves in our Industry. Dos and Don'ts that I cover in The Secret of Your Success as an Actor.

However, getting your Brand out There means meeting people and not being afraid to send directors, producers, advertisers or anyone who can use your talent, your details. There is absolutely no harm in that, especially if you meet in social networking circumstances.

Remember, just one Action every day and Use Your Secret Weapon!
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thought this may Interest You

Monday, March 28, 2011

Casting Directors

Dearest Aspiring and Working Actors hi!
I want to talk to you about Casting Directors today. They are specific about contact and what they do is send out briefs they receive to agents and then agents send their submissions for actors for each brief.

Casting Directors prefer to be contacted by agents not actors, so your agent will send you out on go sees, which are a meet and greet situation when you first join the agency, then for castings as they come up for you. What I find is that if you strike a friendship with a casting director its always a good thing.

Moreover, when you have done a job or are performing in theatre, there is no harm in emailing them to let them know or sending them tickets to come and see the show. You can also email them with a new showreel. Make sure you keep your showreel short, no longer than 5 minutes and it shows you in the best light possible, playing different characters.

Casting Directors are busy people so we must respect that. They are less likely to get you in if you become a menace to them, its a gentle balance!
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Insider Secrets

Hi guys!
Lately I have realised that my timing is not other people's timing and I have to accept that things happen in THEIR time! There's only so much we can do, then we have to sit back and allow for things to happen.
My experience in relationships with professionals who are there to support and promote you is that by expressing heart felt gratitude for what they do for you and being in a state of service to them is a win win !
In the meantime, we are a brand. There is no such thing as waiting for things to happen. We must hone our craft and our vehicle, our bodies and spirits!
Reminding you I am reminding myself to TRUST!
Always here to help,
Love Tula Tzoras

Monday, March 21, 2011

Free Chapter! Vital Audition Tips!

My dearest Actors,
Here is a free chapter for you from THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, just $9.95! These are my tried and true Audition Tips. I hope you put them to practice!

Successful Castings
1.     When you receive details of the casting, work out the logistics, by mapping out your trip there and working out where you will park, how much it will cost etc. so that you are not stressed out or left out of pocket or left unprepared.

2.     Estimate the time it will take to get there and allow plenty of time.

3.     Pick out your wardrobe to fit the character you are playing.

4.     Do your hair and make up according to your character.

5.     Learn your script if you have one. If not, rehearse your reactions, expressions or actions. Employ your craft.

6.     Use your Secret Weapon. Use Deliberate Creation. Put yourself in a meditative state and imagine yourself getting there easily and effortlessly, being present and calm, imagine meeting the director and connecting, then playing the scene and receiving great feedback. You can imagine everything up to receiving your cheque and being grateful. Feel you already have the job. See yourself being filled with gratitude when you receive your cheque. MANIFEST!

7.     When the time comes to travel to your casting, state your intention to do a great job and win the commercial.

8.     When you are in your casting, take your time to listen and understand direction and perform as if you are filming then. Do not treat it like a rehearsal; imagine you are actually on set doing this job.

9.     Always present your best self and go in character.

10.   One of the biggest pitfalls actors face is ‘getting psyched out’, which impacts on their performance. Things like other actors sitting in the waiting room that you consider to be more popular, have a higher profile, be more talented in your opinion, the casting director or director not giving you the response you are looking for, stumbling on lines and freezing, these are just some examples. By arriving in good time, just fifteen minutes before your audition, you can rest assured you will not run into the competition too much, unless the casting runs late. It is important to be confident you have done your best so that nothing can psyche you out. ALWAYS REMEMBER: You have your secret Weapon. Trust. Realise that the way people react has nothing to do with you most times. It is important to be authentic.

11.   Most of all HAVE FUN! Your casting is your time, YOUR TIME. Take your time.

12.  Remember: People usually buy you in the first few seconds of meeting you.

13.  Never make excuses in an Audition, like the car accident you had, the flu you have etc. They are not interested in your problems. Leave your personal issues at the front door. We all have them. Simply do your best. As we say in Showbiz, the Show Must Go On!

14.   Once again it is important to create a holistic lifestyle that gives you life balance. Being focussed solely on a single area of life can be detrimental to your wellbeing. If you are practicing your Secret Weapon, you will feel secure that all is as it should be.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Today, Touch ups with Tula the web series is featured in the Open Channel E-Newsletter! You can watch it on You Tube, 5 short comedy eps with Tottie Goldsmith, John Beland, Kevin Grise, Fiona Scott Norman and Award winning actor Rob Morgan!

Meanwhile, I spent the day on Offspring doing a guest role yesterday with John Waters, Asher, Kat, Emma, Deb and the other stars of Offspring

Here's a tip lovely Actors! If you are interested in a particular project, why not express that interest to the director and bring yourselves to their attention?

Always here to help, especially with The Secret of Your Success as an Actor E-Book only $9.95

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Act, Sing, Play, Create!

I have been thinking a lot about what I am actually doing, as I anxiously wait to hear the result of pitching the half hour show for Touch ups with Tula, which has developed into a hit with the help of a top comedy writer and my co producer and the outcome of a very important meeting between my agent and my publicist.

So I want to share my epiphany for the day! If you want to Act, act! If you want to sing then sing, if you want to be an artist, then practice your art. Simple isn't it? What I am trying to say is don't just wait for the phone to ring and relinquish your power to others. Work on your own projects doing what you love, stay busy and your soul will be fulfilled. Work begets Work!

So get together with other actors, for example, put a show together, make a film. Then when you go in for a casting, you have plenty to talk about and even show casting directors!

You are a brand! How do you put yourself out there? think about it,
Love Tula

Monday, March 7, 2011

Role Offered and Insider tips

Guess what? I was offered the role on Offspring I went for! And I did it taking my own advice in The Secret of Your Success as an Actor! So go on, what are you waiting for? You can download it now!
Thought I would share some Insider tips for you too,

Getting Along with Casting Directors (at Go-Sees)

Be nice to us and keep it as real as possible. We're under pressure and human too you know! Brooke Howden 

Just have some respect – these people are seeing actors all day, not just you. Andy McPhee

Don't try too hard to impress. A casting director can smell 'desperation' and it doesn't make them feel comfortable either. Annie Murtagh-Monks

I always find it interesting to find out the range of roles you have played and even what type of character you have most enjoyed playing and why…This can often lead to some intriguing insights for me! It doesn't have to be all black & white dialogue as per the CV tell me what roles you loved and even hated. Brooke Howden

I hate it if it feels like a job interview. I like it to be a conversation. I often don't talk to actors about their acting at all. I talk to them about life. Try and get on a topic like food or cooking or travel and that's when you actually have the best conversations. Christine King

Members can read dozens more insider secrets on this topic at:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Christina Aguilera

Hello my lovely Actors,
Today I want to talk about how important it is to have coping mechanisms in the world of Acting and Fame! Christina Aguilera has just recently been arrested for drunk and disorderly behaviour and the media are having a field day, talking about her separation with her husband and catching her out with a new man.

She is so talented and she has been in the spotlight since she was a child. Her current situation suggests she never had the chance to find out who she is and build those coping mechanisms you need in this Industry!

That's why I wrote THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR and that is why its only $9.95 for over 100 pages! I want to make sure everyone reads this E-Book and has the chance to build a strong sense of identity! You an Instantly download it on

Its a must Read!
Love Tula