Thursday, March 31, 2011


My dearest Aspiring and Working Actors, thought this may interest you :Making Sense Of Globalism In Media And Entertainment: Frank Howson

With so many Australian actors heading overseas, where does that leave the Australian industry in terms of talent pools and why is it so difficult to attract these actors back to work on Australian productions?

"It obviously depends on your personal priorities, but I'm pleased that a lot of Australia's top talents do tend to come back every few projects and do a home-grown one. I think it's important that they use their names and international standing to shine a light back on the local industry every now and then. Their involvement makes it possible for other local names to be noticed by the international community and given a possible break. And so it goes on, and on. This helps maintain a star system of bankable names that can initiate projects through their participation."

How can actors (and directors) balance their desire to succeed on an international level with their desire to support the local industry?

"By keeping a foot in both camps. Jack Nicholson has balanced his career by making a big commercial film followed by a few arthouse ones that obviously mean a lot to him. The hits enable him to take risks. For everything you take, give something back. Can't say it any more simply than that…"

Members can read the full interview at:

Always here to help,

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