Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Act, Sing, Play, Create!

I have been thinking a lot about what I am actually doing, as I anxiously wait to hear the result of pitching the half hour show for Touch ups with Tula, which has developed into a hit with the help of a top comedy writer and my co producer and the outcome of a very important meeting between my agent and my publicist.

So I want to share my epiphany for the day! If you want to Act, act! If you want to sing then sing, if you want to be an artist, then practice your art. Simple isn't it? What I am trying to say is don't just wait for the phone to ring and relinquish your power to others. Work on your own projects doing what you love, stay busy and your soul will be fulfilled. Work begets Work!

So get together with other actors, for example, put a show together, make a film. Then when you go in for a casting, you have plenty to talk about and even show casting directors!

You are a brand! How do you put yourself out there? think about it,
Love Tula

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