Monday, March 7, 2011

Role Offered and Insider tips

Guess what? I was offered the role on Offspring I went for! And I did it taking my own advice in The Secret of Your Success as an Actor! So go on, what are you waiting for? You can download it now!
Thought I would share some Insider tips for you too,

Getting Along with Casting Directors (at Go-Sees)

Be nice to us and keep it as real as possible. We're under pressure and human too you know! Brooke Howden 

Just have some respect – these people are seeing actors all day, not just you. Andy McPhee

Don't try too hard to impress. A casting director can smell 'desperation' and it doesn't make them feel comfortable either. Annie Murtagh-Monks

I always find it interesting to find out the range of roles you have played and even what type of character you have most enjoyed playing and why…This can often lead to some intriguing insights for me! It doesn't have to be all black & white dialogue as per the CV tell me what roles you loved and even hated. Brooke Howden

I hate it if it feels like a job interview. I like it to be a conversation. I often don't talk to actors about their acting at all. I talk to them about life. Try and get on a topic like food or cooking or travel and that's when you actually have the best conversations. Christine King

Members can read dozens more insider secrets on this topic at:

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