Monday, March 28, 2011

Casting Directors

Dearest Aspiring and Working Actors hi!
I want to talk to you about Casting Directors today. They are specific about contact and what they do is send out briefs they receive to agents and then agents send their submissions for actors for each brief.

Casting Directors prefer to be contacted by agents not actors, so your agent will send you out on go sees, which are a meet and greet situation when you first join the agency, then for castings as they come up for you. What I find is that if you strike a friendship with a casting director its always a good thing.

Moreover, when you have done a job or are performing in theatre, there is no harm in emailing them to let them know or sending them tickets to come and see the show. You can also email them with a new showreel. Make sure you keep your showreel short, no longer than 5 minutes and it shows you in the best light possible, playing different characters.

Casting Directors are busy people so we must respect that. They are less likely to get you in if you become a menace to them, its a gentle balance!
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

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