Monday, May 30, 2011

Sydney Morning Herald and The Age story

The film where you won't die laughing
Suzanne Carbone
May 30, 2011
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Mark Mitchell as Con the Fruiterer.
THE stomach-churning film Snowtown relives the South Australian ''bodies in the barrels'' murders and was the last place comedian Mark Mitchell expected to find scenes of light entertainment. ''Imagine going to the cinema to see a horrendously violent and disturbing movie, Snowtown, and seeing the killers watching The Comedy Company between hacking up their victims,'' Mitchell said. Other cast members who have seen the film were also surprised to find the skits but Mitchell is certain that in the 1990s, Con the Fruiterer was not sending subliminal messages to would-be killers with his ''coupla days'' and ''bewdiful'' lingo. ''Apparently, the producers chose to use Comedy Company footage because it was the leading show of the time and not because it inspired anything untoward.'' Director Justin Kurzel juxtaposed the atrocities of sadistic killer John Bunting with day-to-day scenes, as SBS online film critic Fiona Williams writes: ''Kurzel skilfully places the violence within its contradictory context in unsettling scenes (in one, a Comedy Company skit is heard in the background and in another, a silent rape plays out to the strains of a Test match).'' Con was a killer, but only in the joke department.

Fruitful advice from Tula
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THIS is not meant to be a Comedy Company reunion but the actor who played Con the Fruiterer's daughter Toula really is called Toula, though she spells it Tula. You need to know this because Tula Tzoras has reached out to aspiring actors by writing an e-book, The Secret of Your Success as an Actor, detailing the dizzy highs and crushing lows of her career. Take 1994 when she appeared in the thriller The Seventh Floor with Brooke Shields, playing her assistant. Here's Tula's high: ''I got quite close to Brooke and had lunch with her and her mum Teri.'' And the low: ''A lot of myself ended up on the cutting-room floor.'' Which is a painful stab in the heart when the movie is called Seventh Floor. Back to the bewdiful daughters of Con and cuddly Marika, Tula believes it was a coincidence that Toula was the sibling of Roula, Soula, Voula, Foula and Agape.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Beating those Winter Blues

Dearest Actors and Artists,
If you are in the Southern Hemisphere Winter is upon us. Today is a particularly dark, rainy and freezing day here in Melbourne, so I am writing with a few little ideas to cheer you up if its all getting to you!
I find that surrounding myself with colour on dark, dreary days, keeping warm and listening to inspirational material or doing a lovely meditation always cheers me up. Having a hot shower and enjoying a fluffy towel, or having a bath is always healing.
Another bonus is Creativity! When I lived in a warmer climate, I found it difficult to miss the sunshine. Being stuck inside due to the weather can unleash all sorts of creative juices. I wrote my E-Book, THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, now fabulously successful in the industry, during those times and lately, I have discovered that I have come up with a total of 7 concepts for TV shows! 
Now if I was running around on a beach I wouldn't be doing that, that's for sure! 
So no waiting for the phone to ring with Acting work for me, I am doing it myself! Its great if you can diversify to keep your creativity flowing.
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Media Enquiries

Tula Tzoras has written a Tell All, Funny, Quirky, Honest and Genuine  E-Book called THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR,  about her Rollercoaster Ride in the Crazy World of Show Business, crashing to the lowest lows and soaring to the highest highs! 

She shares her personal experiences in Film, Tv, Theatre, making films, castings, with SPECIFIC examples, so that Anyone who dreams of Acting can learn from the lessons Tula learnt over 20 years and Soar to Success with her Infallible Tips for Success and their very own SECRET WEAPON. It is the FIRST TIME a book of this kind has been released. Tula faced the confronting task of sharing her battles with Anxiety and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for the benefit of others.

She is dedicated to getting her E-Book out to as many people as possible, so that they may have a strong Sense of Self and Create their Dreams! She writes blogs, has Vital Audition Tips on You Tube and THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR is on Reading Lists at NIDA, ACTT, DRAMA VICTORIA etc.

For Media Enquiries,  Interviews and Speaking Engagements Contact Milkk PR on 0413 875 776

Here's what Tony Knight had to say:
‘Tula Tzoras has written the most extraordinary and valuable book for anyone who wishes to work in the acting profession. It is helpful, insightful, and full of terrific advice. I thoroughly recommend it.’
Cheers - Tony

Tony Knight
Head of Acting

Tula is full of Anecdotes, like the time she "borrowed" the set truck on tour for a joy ride, before realising she had to deal with 10 gears!   Lunch with Brooke Shields and her mother?

Trust me when I say you want to get Tula in for at least a chat! She is entertaining and full of insightful and Very Interesting Information! You can see how Funny Tula is on TOUCH UPS WITH TULA (You Tube), where she accosts people like Tottie Goldsmith, Rob Morgan, John Beland, Fiona Scott Norman, Kevin Grise and finds out the nitty gritty, touching them up in the Process!

Tula wants THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR  to be accessible to Everyone, so she has priced it at $9.95 for over 100 pages!

  WHO IS TULA? Does Con the Fruiterer ring a bell?

Monday, May 23, 2011

On Agents

Dearest Actors,
I hope this finds you well and happy and firing!
Today I want to chat to you about Agents. Finding a great Agent and having a very successful relationship is so important. How do we do that?

These days its a lot harder to get through the door, let alone make a really good choice. Most Agents will ask for a Showreel, a Headshot and a Biography. Bear in mind they receive hundreds of packages from Actors weekly. So how do you stand out from the rest?

Firstly your work and your reputation must proceed you. If you are performing in plays invite Agents, if you are working on short films for your showreel, put them on your showreel and bio and keep the Agents you are interested in in the loop.

Of course there is nothing like building a natural rapport with your favorite Agent and the best way of doing that is networking, meeting them personally or by introduction through a friend.

Ok great, you have made it through the door. Your Agent works for YOU! In employing the right agent you might like to be comfortable around them yes? You may like to find out how many people they represent, how many people work in the office, do the Actors they represent have work, a profile, for instance? What is the majority of work they get for their actors? If its Musical Theatre and you want to focus on Film and TV, that will hardly work, don't you think?

So here is some food for thought for you. Don't forget to Download my E-Book, THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR right now! Its on reading lists everywhere including NIDA and a Must Read for just $9.95 ok?
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Unshakeable Goal

Dear Aspiring and Working and Struggling Actors hello!
I am back at Tula Central and want to share with you again today, in the hope that it will benefit you in your Acting Career!

You will get loads more info upon downloading my E-Book THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR Instantly, only $9.95 for over 100 pages of Must Read material! Just go to

Now I want to talk to you about fixity of purpose. Of having an unshakeable goal and give you a prime example from my experience just this week.

As an Actor, it is wise to go where the work is. Based in Melbourne, I was called to an Audition in Sydney. On the day my flight was delayed. Upon arriving at the airport, my car blew up, literally. Luckily I was with a friend so that he could stay with the car. Whilst calling for help, I missed my check in and had to buy another flight. My car got booked broken down, waiting for a tow. I had blown the gasket. The series of unfortunate events continued when I landed in Sydney 45 minutes before my audition while my travel time would take an hour and a half. I had to call and notify people and arrived late at my audition, which is taboo of course. Luckily, they were quite flexible.

I could have panicked, become extremely upset and that would have sabotaged my Audition. Instead, I stayed strong with one goal in mind. To get to the Audition and to do my best, which I did.
The fact is stuff happens all the time and that is why its important to stay strong with a fixity of purpose. All I cared about was getting to my Audition. Mission accomplished.

That's all I have for you today,
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

Monday, May 16, 2011

On Networking

My dearest Aspiring and Working Actors and Artists hello!
Well its been a very busy time here at Tula Central and I am off to Sydney for an Audition tomorrow but today I want to talk to you about Networking and the Importance of knowing your Industry backwards, which of course assists in the building of your brand!

If you are just entering the Industry, make sure you read THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, just $9.95 for over 100 pages first! Its on reading lists at major Drama institutions like NIDA and will give you the tools to build Strength of Character and become the Conscious Creator of your Dream!

It is very important to know who is doing what, what productions are in progress, who is directing, producing, casting and who is performing in these productions. The way you can do this is by Networking, AT2 have networking evenings, they are one of the two online directories for Actors. My Acting Career are a great resource too.

By making friends in your industry you can exchange information and find out about opportunities.

Please don't think of Networking as a job! We all enjoy meeting and connecting with people with similar interests and by building a talent bank, you help each other. Also remember that all people are equal, human and don't allow yourselves to be intimidated by anyone you may think holds greater status than you.

So get out there people!
Always here to help
Tula Tzoras

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Working Smart and Actors with Disabilities

Dearest Aspiring and Working Actors,
I have great news to share! Tula Central is now mobile thanks to wireless internet! As Actors I suggest that we work smart not hard in my E-BoOK THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, just $9.95 for over 100 pages a must read!
Many people are making a lot of money online and with this evolution of social and internet marketing, the internet is definitely one way to go in working smart not hard! Only thing is you can become a hermit working from home, which is what I have done over the last 3 years! Until now, wireless Rocks!

If you are an Actor with a Disability, you may appreciate this piece courtesy of My Acting Career, I recommend you join,

Making It With A Disability: Kiruna Stamell

What roles can people with disabilities play?

"People. Complete, complex people. These are the roles actors with disabilities can play – whole, well-rounded characters.

The disabled community is right to demand appropriate and non-stereotypical representation in scripts and casting. In real life there are disabled doctors, teachers, lawyers, butchers, sportspeople and politicians, so why can't these roles be played by actors with disabilities?

This industry, which has traditionally regarded itself as equitable and fair, should be actively promoting the employment of disabled actors in a broad range of roles…"

Members can read the full interview at:
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras,

Monday, May 9, 2011

Acting Work and Affluence!

My dearest Actors and Creators,
I hope you have had a great weekend! Its so cold here in Melbourne now! I have been at Tula headquarters working on PR and plugging 7 projects for Television, just another day in an Actor’s life, at least one who doesn’t wait for the phone to ring!

Its not often you find Acting and Affluence in the same sentence is it? I wrote THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR and packed more than 100 pages in for $9.95, a MUST READ, so that you can have it all! Its a MUST READ and available for Instant Download at!

Meanwhile, I have been listening to a lot of Deepak Chopra’s lectures and I thoroughly recommend them, as well as Transcendental Meditation. As an Actor we must work on our craft, our brand, but also our imagination and the best thing is our imagination has no limit and is the source of all CREATION!

Blackwood – Feature In Development

A film about a self educated botanist, Georgiana Molloy, who leaves Scotland to settle at the Blackwood River. In 1830 she is the first to send plants to Europe from this remote NSW corner of Australia – a world botanical hotspot. The film is inspired by the book, An All Consuming Passion.

Members can see the full listing at:

Always here to help,
love Tula Tzoras

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rowena Balos in Melb and Apologies!

Dear Melbourne Actors:
I apologise for not having written in a week! I have been swapping internet providers and although I am now free, I had to go through some teething problems. The good news is I have this for you today! I worked with Rowena Balos and even mention her in my E-Book, THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR, Instant Download, MUST READ only $9.95, because she is truly amazing. So if you are in Melbourne, she is coming from LA! She is one of only two Acting coaches who have deeply inspired me and I recommend her, if you can make it!

have a look,
Always here to help, Tula Tzoras

Hope you are all well and are having a wonderful and productive 2011, so far!

FYI, I arrive in Australia on July 12th and then return to Los Angeles on November 1st.

I will fly to Melbourne on the 28th of July, teaching at various theatre institutions and acting schools, till August 15th.

I’m writing to feel-out your interest and availability in doing a 1 or 2 day workshop on my free days.
I’d be open to doing a Voice/Acting Connection workshop (1 or 2 day), preferably Shakespeare or Classical, though modern if it is a really well written text.
Also a 1 or 2 day American Accent workshop.

Possible dates for a 1 or 2 day workshop:
August: 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, the weekends are underlined.

I will also be returning to Melbourne some time in October but that is a bit up in the air.

Let me know your needs, desires and availability and I will try to accommodate.

Please spread the word to your friends. Feel free to give them my email address and I will add them to my mailing list.

All the best, Rowena