Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Touch ups with Tula, interview with Kevin Grise

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Dear One and All,
I wish you a very Merry Christmas and I hope you always have fun, love and joy in your lives. May 2011 bring you all the abundance of the Universe and the Success you Dream of as Actors!
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Goal Setting for 2011!

My dearest Actors,
The year is fast approaching to an end! Tomorrow evening is the Launch and Screening of Touch ups with Tula, the first time an audience will view our hard work, it is so exciting and nerve wracking!
One of the keys to Success is Goal Setting. If you set some time aside to qualify what you would like to achieve in 2011, you will be setting the wheels in motion! Using Your Secret Weapon, as introduced to you in The Secret of Your Success as an Actor (e-book), you will clearly set your Intentions and put the powers that be to work.
Set yourselves goals you are comfortable with, like getting your headshot done, editing your showreel, finding an agent, doing work for your showreel. If you are already set up, then perhaps you can think about the projects you would like to work on in 2011.
Then all you have to do is go for it!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas wherever you are and a brilliantly successful 2011!
Always here to help,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Your Free Chapter from The Secret of Your Success as an Actor!

Life is not a rehearsal; we only get one chance to make it the best we can, or the worst. My name is Tula Tzoras and I am a working Actor, with over twenty years of experience in the Entertainment Industry. If I was given a choice, right now I wouldn’t change a thing, because I am creatively fulfilled and I have never been so empowered, well balanced and respected by my peers . My journey as an Actor has been one of elation and despair, wonder and growth. Hindsight is an amazing thing. My decision to write this book was based on my motivation to share my experience and knowledge, so that you may skip the trial and error and go straight to the top. “The Secret of Your Success as an Actor” is specifically written for aspiring Actors with the ambition to Act because they love the work, not because they want to be stars. This book is written for the Artist in You.

The Aim of  “The Secret of Your Success as an Actor ”, is to sky rocket your success as an Actor experiencing life, by giving you a holistic perspective to Acting using my experiences of being an Actor and Film Maker for many years. This book will empower you by giving you an edge! You will learn how to create the ideal formula for success.

“The Secret of Your Success as an Actor” is a career biography and an infallible guide.  You will gain many insights from my experience, fast tracking your success.  In each situation I describe, I will provide additional options, which will be helpful in your journey.  “The Secret of Your Success as an Actor” will prepare you in ways that traditional training and literature does not.  It will provide you with a healthy blueprint for your life as a whole, in pursuit of your dream to be an Actor. “The Secret of Your Success as an Actor” will show you how to make smart choices and avoid suffering for your art.

 Millions of people want to be rich, be famous and be an actor, a singer, and a dancer.  So many songs are   written about just that and sites specifically created to allow self-promotion fill the Internet.  Look at My Space, the chosen platform for many artists.  Fame is a very attractive, addictive, albeit fickle pursuit for many people. Approximately 5% of Actors become celebrities.  The remainder are called Working Actors.

If you choose to be an Actor, do it because you love the work.

I wrote “ The Secret of Your Success as an Actor”, to share my story as a working actor so that I can empower YOU as you begin your journey. Not a celebrity, but an artist. I hope that all the thousands of young actors entering the market every year receive, a very real perspective on what it truly means to be an actor, a creative artist, in a holistic sense, by reading this book. 

Acting is a Life Choice, not a career to be taken lightly. It is not for the faint hearted. It is food for the soul, a gift bestowing a journey into truth, human nature and behaviour, life lessons, one that stimulates the imagination and takes one from the depths of despair to the heights of elation and back. A career in Acting is a true adventure, taking one out of the mediocre in to an extraordinary way of being.  It is living in the magical world of imagination.

Acting demands persistence, attention to detail, skill, imagination, vulnerability and hardness. The pursuit of truth in acting is a lifelong endeavour and there is nothing more rewarding than ‘nailing’ a character or a scene. To be an actor is to be rich and poor, rejected and accepted, applauded and slammed by reviews.

 Whilst most people will change careers or jobs a handful of times in their life span, actors go through auditions and contracts constantly by the thousands. Competition in this industry is fierce and requires one to be at the top of their game in every aspect of their being. In their craft, their physicality, their energy, their health, their life.

In a lot of ways we are asked to be super human.

Having said that, it is obvious that a sound education at one of the top drama schools like is very important. Support, both financial and emotional, allows one the freedom to pursue chosen creative endeavours. Those elements pave the path to a much easier passage into a career in acting. However, for many people, those aspects are not always within reach. That is where I come in!

Someone who has always been driven by blind ambition and determination wrote “The Secret of Your Success as an Actor”. When I began my journey towards my dream, I didn’t have the information I needed to enter into the industry. I had had ballet and piano lessons as a child and although I always knew I needed to perform, I didn’t have the tools to know how to go about it. I already knew I was a chameleon having attended approximately ten schools and having had to fit in as an outsider every time.

All I knew was ‘Persistence Beats Resistance”. That is how I began my career as an actor.
In the interest of good taste and avoiding being sued I have avoided mentioning names as much as possible in this book.

I hope “The Secret of Your Success as an Actor” gives you an insight into the world of acting and the impact it has on one’s life, unless you empower yourself. If my experiences can assist you in avoiding pitfalls like overdoing things and collapsing from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, for instance rather than soaring to success, I will have reached my goal. That is not to say that I have not gained monumentally in my journey, as an actor and indeed that you do not have your own journey to make.

 I hope you enjoy “ The Secret of Your Success as an Actor”.
Download my E-Book Now from www.actorssecretweapon.com for just $9.95
Its a MUST READ and has been given the Thumbs up by the Industry, on reading lists at NIDA etc

Monday, December 6, 2010

Character Work

My dear Actors hello!

I want to share something with you which is so important in character work. There is one vital element to playing a character and that is to BE the character, not play one in observation.

It is quite a difference to being you playing the character. As you know I have been making a series of comedy segments called Touch ups with Tula. You can join the facebook page and see the episodes! That character is very superficial and glamorous and politically incorrect.

Last week I had to do an audition where I played a character with the onset of Dementia. I really enjoyed being that character absolutely raw, in contrast to my Touch ups character.

I hope that helps you in your work,
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Have you received my Xmas Pressy?

Its a hot muggy day here at Tula central and I am thinking of you all my dear Actors!

Don't forget to Download my Xmas Pressy to you Today! The Secret of Your Success as an Actor for just $9.95, normally $37! Just go to www.actorssecretweapon.com Now!

Its a must Read for your Successful Life as an Actor!

Love Tula

Thursday, December 2, 2010


 My dearest Actors,
If you are based in Melbourne I would love to meet you! I would like to invite you along to the Launch and Screening of Touch ups with Tula! 
Its on December 14 at the Dog's Bar on Acland Street in St Kilda at 7 pm, so come along and join in the craziness and find out how you can create your own work! 
Love and Season's Greetings,
Tula Tzoras

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ideas to Keep Your Creative Juices Flowing!

 Dearest Actors Hello!
I hope you are having a great day, especially now you can Download The Secret of Your Success as an Actor for just $9.95, its a Must Read!
As Actors we are challenged to be both sensitive and strong, creative and business minded.
We also have to develop all the skills we can and face times where we are out of work.
Some of the things we can do to keep our Creative Juices Flowing are Reading for Auditions, making our own films or putting on our own Theatre Productions and becoming Directors and Producers as well. MC work is also great and of course Internet Marketing is the way of the Future for Freedom and flexibility. These days, even if you are resource poor, if you have a camera on your computer and are connected to the net you can just upload your own videos on You Tube! 
I hope some of these Ideas help you to keep your creativity flowing! 
Always here to help,

Monday, November 29, 2010

Actors Secret Weapon: Don't Miss my Xmas Pressie to YOU!

Actors Secret Weapon: Don't Miss my Xmas Pressie to YOU!: "My dearest Actors! With Xmas fast approaching I wanted to give you a gift to put you on the right track for 2011! So I have reduced the Pri..."

Don't Miss my Xmas Pressie to YOU!

My dearest Actors!
With Xmas fast approaching I wanted to give you a gift to put you on the right track for 2011!

So I have reduced the Price of THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR from $37 to just $9.95 for YOU! Its available for Instant Download so you can Download it today!

Its on the Reading Lists at NIDA, ACTT, MAA, Drama Victoria etc etc a MUST READ!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Brilliant 2011! Put that Secret WEapon to Use!

Love Tula

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Xmas Gift to you!

Dearest Actors,
Its been a while but I haven't forgotten you I promise!

Being the Season to be Jolly, I decided to offer you my E-Book, The Secret of Your Success as an Actor, available for instant download for $9.95! That is a saving of $27 so that you can all have it!

I am now preparing to leave to do my presentation for Drama Victoria at Melbourne Uni and I will be thinking of all of you as I speak to Drama Educators.

Merry Christmas,
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

Monday, November 8, 2010

Rolling With the Punches

Hi Fellow Actors,
So, what happens when we use all our tools and resources and give our performance 100% in an audition, feeling great, receiving great feedback and then we don’t get the job?
We roll with it, there is always a reason and we must believe it is because there is something even better around the corner, that is perfect for us.
In the meantime, “The best way to get to know the industry is to be a part of it. Just be involved. The industry will move along without you if you don’t jump into the whirlwind. ” Michael Robinson
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Actors Secret Weapon: The Show Must Go On!

Actors Secret Weapon: The Show Must Go On!

The Show Must Go On!

 My dear Actors,
I hope you are enjoying your day and living it with purpose. It is a glorious Spring day here. 
In the last week I was faced with a situation that I want to share with you, because it brings up the question : "What happens when I am sick and I am due to perform?"
Last week I was so sick and more importantly lost my voice! As Actors, our main instrument of course is our voice. Meanwhile, I had to record the theme song for Touch ups with Tula, the pilot we are making, do some filming and to top things off I had a theatre audition for a show I really want to do, where I had to sing!
Thanks to modern technology they were able to make my voice sound good in the recording and I managed to get through the filming even though I froze to death! 
I was so worried about the Theatre Audition I took antibiotics and triple doses of vitamins, whilst my nose ran like a tap. 
On the day of the Audition, I went in full character, 1930s costume, after having rehearsed using the resources I did have. I put all the tools in action and specifically my Secret Weapon, which you would know about if you have read The Secret of Your Success as an Actor of course. I was apparently the only Actor who did arrive in full character!
At the Audition, apart from taking a box of tissues to avoid embarrassment, I made no excuses and launched into my song. Even though my voice was altered due to my illness, the director was able to hear through it. 
My point is this:
When we are engaged in a theatre Production, Film, Television, any role, the Show must always go on! There are many people involved and lots of money at stake, so we must always perform to the best of our ability. 
With that thought I leave you,
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It never Rains!

Hi my fellow Actors,
Wow what a week its turning out to be! Filming Touch ups with Tula, recording our theme song and a Theatre Audition where I have to sing in a particular style I have not sung before.

Don't we love a challenge? As an Actor it is so gratifying to have something to sink your teeth into.
When I began my career I sure did it the hard way, that's why I wrote The Secret of Your Success as an Actor and am dedicated to helping Actors do it in the best way!

Always here to help,
Love Tula

Competition Winner Drawn!

Congratulations to You,
You have won "The Secret of Your Success as an Actor"! All you have to do is email actorssecretweapon@gmail.com if you would like to claim your one free mentoring session with me! I will send you the download today!  
Wishing you All Amazing Success! 
love Tula

Monday, October 25, 2010

Work Smart not Hard as an Actor

Subject: The Blueprint Of A Blogging Expert
Hey Guys,
In my constant quest to make your lives easier as you pursue your Dream to be an Actor, I found another way you can work smart not hard!

Just check out this awesome blogging course that shows you how Blogging can be more than a hobby, even getting you Ferrari's and mansions.

It's true... Blogging expert Samantha Milner has revealed the truth to making job crushing income from Blogging that most people didn't even think was possible.

She's giving you her new, updated blueprint for Blogging success that she has been using and tweaking over the last 6 months.

Now Sam is no newcomer to Internet Marketing. She's been online since January 2005 and has already published several best selling e-books that have been read by over 250,000 people around the world.

She's just put up an amazing course on her website that you need to check out:

Always here to help,
Love Tula

Transformations Vic Drama Annual Conference!

Darling Actors,
Recently I was invited to do a Presentation at the Drama Victoria Annual Conference at Melbourne Uni for all the Drama Educators in Victoria and I was asked to submit a paper. I wanted to share it with you, so here goes:
“The Secret of Your Success as an Actor”
By Author Tula Tzoras
My name is Tula Tzoras. I have been a professional Actor for over 20 years. During that time I have also worked as a Writer, Director, Producer. I have many credits in Film, Television, Theatre, Commercials and have done thousands of Castings. I have also made five short films, one of which was a finalist at Tropfest and am currently making a series called Touch ups With Tula. I have been working on a humanitarian project for the last five years to empower people in developing communities by providing them with tools to grow. If you wish to know more about my credits please visit my website www. Actorssecretweapon.com and click on the About Page.
One of the things that strike me is that as students we are not generally taught life lessons. I remember reading a book called “Go Ask Alice” in high school. It was the closest I came to having any life education at school.  I entered the big wide world with rose coloured glasses, in pursuit of my dream to become an Actor. I did it the hard way. I struggled as many Actors do and followed a journey of self-discovery, which spanned over the last 20 years. Last year I was in a good space to write my E-Book and got the big thumbs up from the industry with NIDA, ACTT, MAA putting The Secret of Your Success as an Actor on their Reading lists for Students and Showcast (the industry directory) promoting it. Suddenly I was invited on a Speaking Circuit and I have been speaking to students since.
The response I received both from Institutions and students has confirmed to me that this book is unique, because it is not about acting technique or the logistics of finding agents etc. The Secret of Your Success as an Actor is a Career Biography with a difference. It specifically covers credits in Film, TV, Theatre and projects and teams those experiences up with lessons learnt and infallible tips for success, including A Secret Weapon!
Readers are also provided with my individual Casting Tips for Auditions, tips that free Actors up to enjoy the experience rather than dread it.
So many of our kids dream of becoming Actors. All they have to draw on is glamorous celebrities and they become enamoured by fame. The Secret of Your Success as an Actor gives readers a very real perspective of the life of a Working Actor. It includes very personal themes like anxiety and the impact of conditioning. Readers experience both the reality of how difficult it can be and all the tools they need to transform their mindset and become Successful Brands.
The life of an Actor can be potentially difficult. The Secret of Your Success as an Actor smashes beliefs that Actors have to struggle and gives them tools to fast track their success through my experiences, which mirror other Actors experiences.
In speaking to students and garnering their little knowledge on the subjects I broached, I have become passionate about getting this E-Book out to as many students as possible. So much so, that half of every download made is going back to Drama Victoria. I implore you, as educators to make The Secret of Your Success as an Actor a part of your curriculum. It can easily be downloaded from the Resources page of the Drama Victoria website.
The only request I make is that like music and movie piracy, duplicating downloads is not acceptable.
In my presentation I will cover:
v    My experience and that of a struggling Actor
v    The tips and advice I give to ensure Actors success and wellbeing
v    The difference in Audition tips between some professionals and my own.
I invite you to participate in what promises to be a very personal and genuine presentation on Transformation.
Tula Tzoras

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Best Actor Training in Town if you are in Melbourne!

WEEKDAYS (Monday, Wednesday and Fridays)
  • Train with qualified leading industry professionals
  • Equip yourself with practical tools and techniques
  • Maximise your employability as an actor with supplementary course units in professional Voice-Over, Presenting, Stunt training and more

  • Opportunity to showcase yourself to leading International and national casting directors

  • Train in the specific art of screen acting with working directors 

Hi Tula,
We are very proud to announce our new Full-Time one-year Screen Acting Course which provides you with comprehensive, integrated screen-acting training and industry focused workshops aimed to maximise your skill-set and employability.  Along with first rate tutorage from industry professionals our new program is the only course in Australia to offer you the opportunity to showcase and workshop with Leading US casting directors.  This course is designed for intermediate to advanced actors wanting to work on their craft, fine tune their skills and bridge the gap between training and industry.

Applications Now Open for 2011

Unparalleled actor training taught by leading industry professionals 
Students will learn the craft of screen performance in a supportive environment under the tutorage of renowned teachers, actors, directors, producers and casting directors all currently working in the Film and Television industry. 
2011 Course tutors will include such professionals as Geoffrey Wright (dir. Romper Stomper), actor John Jarratt (Wolf Creek), actress Tammy MacIntosh (All Saints, Sea Patrol) and Stephen Costan (former Head of Voice for the Victorian College of the Arts). MAA teachers and mentors are qualified professionals with a proven track record within the film and television industry.
The Full-Time course is delivered over four terms; these terms incorporate Core Elements of study to improve on overall acting performance with yearlong voice and acting training, amongst these studies there will be unique intensive study blocks of varying lengths focused on developing the actor with new dynamic skills. Professional stunt training, presenting and voice over technique are included to allow for a unique learning journey and add to your skill set to maximise your employability as an actor.
Upon completion of the Full-Time Course, you will be equipped with the practical tools and techniques essential to compete as professional actors within the highly competitive international film and television market. 
COURSE CONTENT: Overview of Core Study Elements

Students are provided with an introduction into the core acting methods taught in the U.S - Stanislavski, Meisner, Strasberg and Adler. Students will explore these techniques to hone in on their own actor’s instinct and to develop, discuss, evaluate and deliver “real” and memorable screen performances. Students will also understand the key processes that need to be implemented to deliver clear stories and to embody believable characters. 
Voice Training is fundamental to a professional actors skills set. Students will learn how to use the voice effectively and efficiently as well as understanding its importance in film and television. Students will train to develop their breathing and breath capacity, stamina and voice production, including resonance and articulation potential. Voice Training  will also focus on techniques to simplify direct communication and the exploration of language and voice through text. Key teachings will be drawn from master voice teachers including: Kristin Linklater, Cicely Berry and Patsy Rodenburg.
Students learn the key processes used to develop believable and dynamic characters. Different techniques will be utilised to explore and develop an effective toolbox of skills that they can use to research, explore, discover, create, embody and perform a diverse range of characters.

SCREEN CRAFT TECHNIQUE (Taught by current working professionals)
Students are trained in the fundamental on-camera techniques applicable for both the small and big screen. Students will learn the essential technical tools for producing great screen performances in both the audition room and onset. This unit includes auditions with leading casting directors and the opportunity to showcase your work.
Students will learn how to extract vital information from a script by looking at such elements as character, style, narrative and plot; and how this information feeds into rehearsal for professional performance. Through practical application, students will look at the concept of interpretation whilst honouring the given circumstances and how the actor fits in to the ‘larger picture’ that exists in film and television.  By understanding the necessary terms and language used in text analysis, actors can communicate efficiently with fellow directors and casting director’s whilst in auditions, rehearsals and on set.
Students are provided with an introduction to the foundation principals of Feldenkrias, Pilates, Yoga and Laban and corporeal expressivity. Students will learn how to organise the body in space and time to be fit both physically and mentally for screen performances. Students will develop a practical and physical understanding of the body and understand the relationship between voice, breath, movement, emotion and intellect and learning to relax and be completely centred and free through movement and vocal training.
Chiu Wan Wing Chun Kung Fu is part of the movement program. It is a self-defence system, refined over centuries, which greatly benefits an actor through developing a calmer mind, improved breathing, increasing attentive focus, removing nervous energy, developing healthier function of internal organs, increasing vital energy levels and self-confidence and developing excellent discipline, posture and greater spatial awareness; thus allowing for an uninhibited, raw and engaging performance.

In order to Market themselves in the industry,  students will be provided with key strategies and skills for self-promotion and marketing including: knowing who you are and how to market yourself, networking, maximising casting opportunities, casting do’s and don’ts, the process of getting an agent as well as quality stand out headshots, showreels and audio reels. MAA will provide a list of recommended photographers and showreel producers available at an exclusive discounted price only available for Full time students.
Vital to upkeep in this fast paced industry. Students will benefit from MAA’s in-house screen-test workshops, conducted by Australia’s leading casting directors and directors (including directors Geoffrey Wright, Bill Hughes, Marcus Cole, Jet Wilkinson and Roger Hodgman) as well as visits from established actors throughout the course offering exclusive industry advice and their perspectives on performance, promotion and their life as a working actor.

COURSE DELIVERY: The Full Time course is a challenging and rigorous journey. Previous performance experience is required. Admission into the course is through audition and interview only.
Applications for 2011 intake close: 10th of January
Auditions held: 15th and 16th of January 2011
Course commencement: Monday 28th of February
Course duration: 3 days a week for 34 weeks (9am - 5pm)
Course fee: $9,900 including GST
EXTRA OPPORTUNITIESAny extras are included as a completely voluntary side program to complement the Full-Time Course and maximise its practical application benefits.
Option 1: 4x US Casting Director Intensive Workshops
Consisting of four individual workshops with four leading US casting directors, exclusively brought down to Melbourne for this opportunity. Perfect platform to launch your presence in the US industry!
The MAA Fulltime Course is the only course in Australia that provides you with the opportunity to showcase your work to leading international casting directors. 
Fee: $1,200 including GST
For further information, please contact MAA 
t. (03) 9038 8054 
We look forward to speaking with you very soon, good luck with auditions.

Enter and Win!

Hi All!
November 1 is fast approaching and if you go to www.actorssecretweapon.com you can download my free chapter on unique Audition Tips and join the mailing list, which will put you in the draw to win "The Secret of Your Success as an Actor"not to mention invaluable supporting information and advice, free downloads and access to 5 videos on Vital Audition Tips!

Love Tula

Monday, October 18, 2010

Touch ups with Tula

Hi dearest Actors!
How is your day going? love to hear from you!
We are filming Touch ups with Tula again this Friday! Our guests are so interesting and I can’t wait to show you all when we are finished!
Creating your own work is so fulfilling and such a great way to keep your skills honed and your creative juices flowing, I thoroughly recommend it. So get together with your friends and see what you can create together!
If you are just starting out, you can register with AT2, which is one of two online Industry directories. The have a great service called icast, which sends you loads of casting notices and although the work is generally not paid, you can practice your craft, connect with upcoming film makers and add material to your showreel!
That’s all from “The Secret of Your Success as an Actor” today, available for instant download and dedicated to smashing beliefs that we have to Struggle as Actors!
Love Tula

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vital Audition Tips for Actors!

My dear Actors,
I hope you are well and happy and in pursuit of your Dream to be an Actor that doesn't have to struggle!
I have uploaded 5 videos on You Tube for you, with 5 Vital Audition Tips that will change your Mindset about Auditions!  Just click here! Vital Audition Tips

from "The Secret of Your Success as an Actor"

Love Tula

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Right Agent For You!

 My dear Actors,
Having been in the Industry for over 20 years I have had a few agents and it was over time I achieved a really great relationship and a successful one with my agent.
My advice to you is not to rush your decision to join an agency. There is a possibility that you can end up in a worse position than you were in before if you make the wrong decision.
It is really important to research the Agency first. Find out how long they have been in business, what the background of the Agent is, how many people work for the agency, how many people they represent. Do they have a website? Do they have working Actors on their books? 
In your meeting with the Agent, find out where they get the most work for their Actors, for instance is it theatre, TV, commercials, films? Be clear on what you want to focus on and find out whether what they do suits you. 
Another major key factor is the relationship you have with your Agent. There is no point feeling intimidated whenever you speak to them, or feeling you can't speak to them. As Actors we have to be great business people too, relationships we build are vital to our success. 
Of course if you are using Your Secret Weapon, you will have positive results and trust that the Agent you choose is doing the best for you and representing you in the light you wish to be represented. 
I hope this helps you in your journey! 
Here to Help,
Tula Tzoras

Another Freebie for you! Twitter!

My Dearest Actors,
I hope you are having a great day! On another way to Work Smart Not Hard, as I advise in The Secret of Your Success as an Actor, I have found a great freebie for you! 
 Looks Like The Truth Is Out

Samantha Milner has published a blueprint that everyone who's serious about using Twitter should read.

It's called '24 Hour Twitter Expert'

And it's based on the system that Samantha uses to generate a 60,000+ targeted following on Twitter and how you could do the same for little over an hour a day.
Best of all - It's valued at $97 but for a VERY limited time I've managed to persuade her to let you have it for.....

Download this quick because I can't see this offer lasting much longer.

Best wishes,

PS Samantha managed to dominate Twitter in.....65 days using this system. It wasn't quite on target but I'm sure she wasn't complaining!
Twitter is the thing right now and I thought there is no harm in free info!
Love Tula

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How can I help You?

My dear Actors,
I hope you are having a great day! In my quest to help you, I want to ask you how? Please feel free to send me questions and I will do my best to answer them asap.
I am also available for mentoring and you can contact me at actorssecretweapon@gmail.com
Hope you have a great weekend and I look forward to hearing from you,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Join the Affiliate Program FREE and Earn $$$$$$ NOW!

All you have to do is click on the link below and follow 3 simple steps, you will find all the Affiliate Tools you need on that page and you could help me help Actors reach their full potential and earn 50% of each download ! Its free to join! The Secret of Your Success!http://actorssecretweapon.com/blog/?page_id=105

Love Tula

From One of My Readers! OMG

Hi guys! Today I received a Facebook message I really wanted to share with you!
I don’t know about you, but I am forever working and chipping away and quite often when I am filming or performing on stage, or when my e-book is read, I forget the impact all that can have in just doing what I do. Here’s what Lyusyena had to say:
“I just finished reading your book THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR and being so inspired after I was trying to find out some more information about you, just to express how very thankful I am for your book! I want to say that your book is very helpful, useful, inspiring and powerful and thank you so much for sharing your valuable experiences! I’ve always wanted to be an actress and now pushing any doubts and fears away I decided to take an actin on my dream and your book is just a gift for anyone who’s in position like this when you have no idea what first action to take, where to begin, wht to learn and so on. Thank you for being so generous and kind, people like you make this world a better place. We are all one and make a difference! Thank you so much! God Bless you! ”
With wishes of love, joy and happiness to you
How beautiful is that feedback?
Love Tula


I love my Actors!
After years of being a Struggling Actor myself, my priority is to support all of you, so that you can work Smart not Hard and free up your time to do what you love, ie ACT!
I’ve got a second freebie download for you and I have also put a link to DSM Publishing on my page you can just click on, because they are fantastic for people like us, Actors not necessarily tech savvy! Just click below,
DSM can help with making $ online, WordPress, Pings (apparently they link you to Every site?) basically everything you need to know! I am learning too and I promised to get you all the info you need !
Stay tuned for more freebies!
Love Tula


Hi all,
Making money online is easy and I found some great free downloads for you!
For your freeeeee download!


I have had heaps of questions about Hosting, WordPress etc and I promised to get you the best deal.
If you are an Actor, YOU are the Product and if you want to be a Successful Brand you need your own Website!
Guess what I have done for you? I have worked out how you can do it virtually FREEE!
So here’s what you do!
1. Get yourself a Domain Name, say from Go Daddy
2. Click on the Hostgator banner I have provided for you and get web hosting from $4.95 per month! AND Quote Coupon Code “discountoffertthostgator” for $9.95 off!
3. WordPress Sites are Free! So you just create your own! Only thing is you will have to learn how to use it unless you are a techy, that’s why I have the DSM Publishing link on my site, because they can help you step by step and get your BRAND out there toooooo!
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