Monday, July 18, 2016

Awesome Wedding MC and FUNNY Master of Ceremonies every bride and groom ...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

For Showcast Members, Howard Fine Acting Studio Australia

Win a place at The Howard Fine Acting Studio – Alexander Masterclass
Showcast are happy to offer our members the chance to win a place at The Howard Fine Acting Studio first-ever Alexander Masterclass.  

This unique opportunity is going to be spear-headed by Jean-Louis Rodrigue who is offering one scholarship in Melbourne and one in Sydney for his upcoming masterclass.

Championed by the Howard Fine Acting Studio as the ‘must-do’ mind/body course – Jean-Louis Rodrigue brings his unique talents to the fore as he delivers his famous Alexander Technique Masterclass which focuses on connecting the mind and the body to create a fully-realised performance.

As a result of the private work he has done with many well-known actors and directors – Jean-Louis’ unique style of acting and movement training can be seen in many feature films. His many high-profile clients include Darren Aronofsky, Ang Lee, Sir Ian McKellen, Helena Bonham Carter, Keanu Reeves, Chris Pine, Josh Brolin, Scott Speedman , Kirsten Dunst, Leonardo DiCaprio and Hilary Swank.

Some of his most recent contracts include working with Chris Pine on ‘The Lieutenant of Inishmore,’ Leonaro DiCaprio on ‘J. Edgar Hoover’ and the artists of Cirque du Soleil’s ‘KA’ at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. Jean-Louis is a teacher in great demand and is currently a member of the faculty at the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television, UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music, Howard Fine Acting Studio (Hollywood and Melbourne) and is a regular collaborator with Larry Moss at his studio.

Entry criteria:
- You must be a current member of Showcast and be over 16 years of age to register.

To apply register your details at the link below.  

Registrations are open until 5pm Saturday 28th April.

Successful applicants will be selected after application review by Jean-Louis Rodrigue and will contacted by 5pm Monday 30th April.
Always here to help,
Download The Secret of Your Success as an Actor NOW! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Self Referral Heaven, versus Object Referral Hell, Actors!

Dear Fellow Actors hi!

I’ve been thinking about my early days as an Actor and how much I have changed over the years. I remember going through hell in my twenties, when I would be in a constant state of second guessing what others thought of me, how I was being received as an Actor, driving myself crazy wondering if I did well or not, what I could have done better, did they like my hair, makeup, costume, performance etc.

I would walk into an audition and check for the type of reception I would get from casting directors, monitor their facial expressions and if I didn’t read it as a positive one, I would be devastated. Then I would obsess about getting the job and stop breathing until that phone rang. Crazy right?

And that’s just in Acting. Today I was thinking how grateful I am now that I practice Self Referral, so I want to share this with you because it will literally save you not only as an Actor but in your entire Life!

What is Object Referral?

Object Referral is reacting to externals, whether they are people, circumstances, places or things. When we are in object referral we feel the need to control things, or situations and are easily influenced by what’s happening. The chaos of life affects us directly making us emotionally volatile and creating a roller coaster experience.

Can you relate to this? Not a great place to be, especially for an Actor, or creative soul, or any soul.

So what is Self Referral?

Self Referral means we are not influenced by people, places or things, which we can’t control anyway! We know ourselves and our innermost nature and are in tune with our spirit, which knows all and has no need for drama. Even more than that, its pure joy!

What would happen if, as an Actor you got out of your own way? Its Amazing! Even in life, being still in the chaos and detached from it, makes every day worth living.

So my dear fellow Actors, that is what I had to share today. Have your read The Secret of Your Success as an Actor ebook yet? Download it now!

I have been approached about writing another ebook by a huge publishing company! Yey for me!

Always here to help,


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

THE Most VITAL AUDITION Tip You will EVER Need to Know!

My dearest fellow Thespians and Entertainers in General hello!
Its been a while since I wrote because I have been having some techy issues, so I thought I would gift you with The Number 1 VITAL Audition Tip, the most important of all Audition Tips you will ever need to know.
Because it will alter your perception of the entire experience!
By the Way, if you haven’t read The Secret of Your Success as an Actor ebook yet, Just Do It! its only $9.95 and will introduce you to your very Own Secret Weapon!
Ok, so you’ve got an Audition, the Stakes are High, you really want it, the Competition is fierce, blah blah blah

The one thing I keep hearing from Actors and Professionals alike is that they “Dread” Auditions. The word out there is that Auditions are something to be feared and lets face it, when you really want something, when it means everything to you, of course it will make you a little anxious to say the least!

So how can we go from Dreading Audtions to Loving Them?
As Actors, Entertainers we LOVE our Work, otherwise why would we do it right?
So here it is are you READY?

What if you had an audition for something you would die and go to heaven for and instead of going into panic and dread you changed your mindset?
To What you may ask?
The trick to LOVING Auditions is simple: Try going to your Audition with the Perception that You are actually doing the Job! So if its Theatre, picture yourself in front of the Audience, if its Stage, likewise, if its TV or Film, in front of the Camera knowing there are millions of viewers watching you.
You LOVE Performing! Can you imagine a better experience?

So that’s it, simple isn’t it? Imagine your Audition to be Your Awarding Winning Performance in the actual Role.
Guess what? That also sends a message to the Universe to make it happen for you, so its a double whammy!
I’ll let you chew over that one,
wishing you amazing success!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

News for Actors

My dearest fellow Thespians,
You have my sincerest apologies for neglecting you. I have had some technical difficulties, not to mention been crazy busy.
By now I hope you have read my e-book and are well on your way creating your career and life as an Actor according to your desires! You can download it instantly The Secret of Your Success as an Actor, just $9.95 for over 100 pages!

Now, on other news I here is some info on Rowena Balos from LA. I mention her in my ebook, she is truly amazing!

Hope you all had a fantastic holiday season with sun, fun and lots of partying and are now back into working on your personal and artistic growth!!

I'm well into the pilot season with lots of teaching here in LA.

I've also made great headway on my book--my philosophy and technique in great detail--a mammoth feat!

I'm also in the middle of doing a giant revision and update of my Human Instrument Workbook, which will be ready for purchase as a pdf file ($25) in the next month, or so, or as a hard copy ($35) when I'm in Australia--July through October.

Next, I will revise and update my Workbook on The Standard American Accent for Australian Actors--ready in July, if not before.

I will be in and out of Brisbane, Melbourne, Byron Bay and Sydney during my midyear stay, teaching at various theatre schools and companies.
In between those engagements, I'll be conducting workshops open to the acting community:
Voice/Acting Connection
Shakespeare Connection
Standard American Accent Connection
On-Camera Voice/Acting Connection

I will give you an update when we're closer to the time.
However, if you have a particular interest in a workshop or private instruction, it will be VERY helpful in my planning.

Look forward to connecting, some time during my visit, for a workshop, a private session, a cup of tea or maybe a glass of wine!!??

Would love to hear from you with any questions, revelations, confusions or successes with the work.

All the very best, Rowena

Monday, January 30, 2012

Actors! Scholarship and Masterclasses not to miss!

Dearest Actors Hello!
I hope that you have read The Secret of Your Success as an Actor ebook by now, if not you will receive a free download when you enrol in the truly transformative Event Kari Harris and I are putting together on the 18/19 Feb, 2012 at Fox Studios Sydney.
16th Street / Showcast Scholarship – APPLY
February 24-27
We have again teamed up with 16th Street Actors Studio to present another great opportunity for our members, the 2012 Ellen Burstyn Scholarship.
This scholarship offers an experienced actor the opportunity to further their craft with the Co-President and Artistic Director of The Actors Studio, New York, and one of the most celebrated and awarded actresses of our time, Ellen Burstyn.
Ellen Burstyn holds the rare honour of wining the triple-crown of acting (the Academy, Emmy and Tony Awards) from her numerous nominations in a career that has spanned over 50 years. Her performances are regarded as some of the finest in cinematic history. This, combined with her tenure at the legendary Actors Studio, ensures this will be a once-in-a lifetime experience. As this is a professional development program, a decision on the place will be determined according to the strength of application (credits, showreel/video and previous training).
All information on the masterclass is available at
Applications will be accepted until 5pm, February 3rd, 2012
The Scholarship
• One place in the 4-day masterclass to work with Ellen Burstyn
• Return airfare to Melbourne (for interstate recipients)
• Accommodation (for interstate recipients)
Scholarship Judges
• Nathan Lloyd (Casting Consultant, Mullinars)
• Kim Krejus (Creative Director, 16th Street)
• Robyn Nevin (Actor, former Artistic Director of Sydney Theatre Company)
• Danelle D’Costa (Showcast)
Selection Criteria
Applicants must:
• be a current Showcast member
• be available to be in Melbourne from February 24-27 2012 for rehearsal and the masterclass
• supply a CV, headshot and showreel
• have professional acting credits (feature film, television or main stage theatre)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Your Brand as an Actor

Dearest Actors,
Happy 2012 and its looking like a Big one! If you haven't booked into the Must Attend Actor's Workshop with myself and Kari Harris, make sure you do pronto, places are filling up and you don't want to miss this, its unlike any workshop you have done before! Here's the link to the Facebook event:

Meanwhile, of course we are a brand and with that we need to be in top form in all areas. I hope you are looking after your instrument, ie your body, your voice, your diet, your emotional and spiritual lives as well as looking after business, promoting your brand with photos, videos, online etc. If you are not working, you can attend classes to keep your craft honed and if you can't afford that, team up with friends and work on scenes together or audition for some co op theatre! That's a great way to be seen by your peers and the industry.

I have been finding going to the beach, walking, swimming, getting close to nature highly creative. The best thing about being an Actor is stimulating and using our imagination, so let yourselves go, focus within and you will be amazed the ideas you come up with.
That happens to me daily!

I have been listening to Dr Deepak Chopra's lectures daily, a practice that ultimately infiltrates your cellular body and I thoroughly recommend it. I can vouch the changes occur automatically, without any effort on our part. Listen to the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success, put them into practice and watch as every day becomes a miracle for you!

That's all I have for today,
Always here to help,
Tula Tzoras,
Author of THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS AS AN ACTOR ebook available now for Instant Download

Monday, January 9, 2012

Live to Air and Improvised!

Happy 2012 dearest Thespians!
This year is just beginning and like sleepy children we slowly warm up to it. Well time to get serious! Sounds boring doesn’t it? Not when you love what you do. I don’t know about you, but I have never been able to betray my soul’s purpose and for that I am grateful.
I was doing a one hour Live to Air Show on TVSN a few days ago on the Aire Bra and it occurred to me that everything happens for a reason, concepts I introduce you to in my e-book, The Secret of Your Success as an Actor (must read).
Let me explain. I spent the last 3 years in Melbourne spruiking different products between acting jobs. It was really hard work. When I look back in retrospect however, I realise that my Acting training and spruiking experience gave me the perfect skills to perform in my currenct TV Presenting role with Danoz Direct!
Moral of the story? Trust!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Powerful! Kari Harris and Tula Tzoras join together for YOU!

Happy 2012 fellow Thespians!
Make sure you start the year off on the right foot and book into this unmissable workshop:


In this exclusive two day workshop actors will gain unique knowledge that will empower and  
inspire them to gain a brand new actor’s perspective that they can apply to their career and life!  
Unlike any other course actors will have the opportunity to practice using their secret weapon  
from the e‐book and learn to LOVE auditions as much as they love performance. They will  
acquire unique tools to transform their careers and lives and help them achieve success as  
DAY 1  
Career focus: working smart not hard  
The basics: necessary tools and resources  
Enabling the business mind: how to build your brand  
Increasing your profile  
Industry dos and don’ts  
Introduction: first impressions  
Exercise: the experience of connection  
Identifying patterns and limiting beliefs  
Perceptions: how to change them   
Successful relationship building  
The actor’s secret weapon  
Auditioning fundamentals  
The power of risk taking  
The ‘magic bag’  
Increasing motivation  
The decision makers: who they are and what they’re looking for  
Techniques for increasing confidence and releasing nerves  


DAY 2  
Actors prepare audition pieces in pairs using their secret weapon and practical  
auditioning skills learned on Day 1  
Scenes are performed on camera  
Playback: actors review their auditions as a group, give personal feedback on the  
process and experience and receive feedback from the group and instructors  
Tula Tzoras, author of The Secret of Your Success as an Actor (now on reading lists at major  
drama institutions such as NIDA, ACTT, MAA and VIC Drama), is an actress with over twenty  
years of film, television and theatre experience. Her television credits include Water Rats, Police  
Rescue, A Country Practice, Neighbours and Offspring. Her extensive film and theatre credits  
include The Venus Factory and The Vagina Monologues.  Tula’s passion and energy are limitless  
and she is dedicated to empowering actors to fulfil their dreams and achieve success.  
Kari Harris of Kari Harris Casting (KHC) and more recently, i4 Casting, has over twenty years of  
film and television experience. She was a senior casting director at Prototype Casting (Chopper,  
Mission: Impossible II, The Interview) for over seven years and established her boutique  
consultancy in 2004 attracting prestigious clientele such as Oscar winning director and  
screenwriter, Stephen Gaghan (Syriana, Traffic), and multi award winning advertising director  
David Denneen of FG Entertainment. She has worked on a multitude of national and  
international film, television and advertising projects since 1989. Kari is a natural collaborator  
and her passion is to inspire, educate, empower, entertain and motivate others to pursue and  
develop their ideas and talents into something that people everywhere can respond to.  
“Just wanted to let you know how fabulous the workshop was. I found it thoroughly helpful and  
enjoyable. In fact, I got an ad at the next audition I went for after the workshop! So there you  
go!” – Jackie Loeb  
“Just thought you would like to know that I landed the first TVC I went for after your class,  
another success story for your workshop.” – Chris Radburn  
“I scored two call‐backs after attending the workshop!” – Chris Galletti  


Reading: The Secret of Your Success as an Actor E‐book (to be completed prior to Day 1)  
Actors will be required to prepare a short scene of the instructor’s choice for the Day 2 audition  
DATES & TIMES (2012)  
Day 1  
Saturday February 18tt 10am‐6pm   
Day 2  
Sunday February 19th 10am‐6pm  
To book and pay for this course securely via Pay Pal or with a credit card please visit  
and select ‘The Secret of Your Success as an Actor – Two Day Intensive Workshop’  
The Audition Room  
Building 11 Driver Avenue  
Fox Studios Australia  
Moore Park  NSW  
Street parking is available on Driver Avenue or behind Building 11  
Important: do not drive through to the security booth or you will be asked to turn around  
Two Day Intensive Workshop fee at $299 including GST per participant (maximum 20  
Fee includes The Secret of Your Success as an Actor E‐book download 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Not to Miss Event! Book now!


In this exclusive two day workshop actors will gain unique knowledge that will empower and  
inspire them to gain a brand new actor’s perspective that they can apply to their career and life!  
Unlike any other course actors will have the opportunity to practice using their secret weapon  
from the e‐book and learn to LOVE auditions as much as they love performance. They will  
acquire unique tools to transform their careers and lives and help them achieve success as  
DAY 1  
Career focus: working smart not hard  
The basics: necessary tools and resources  
Enabling the business mind: how to build your brand  
Increasing your profile  
Industry dos and don’ts  
Introduction: first impressions  
Exercise: the experience of connection  
Identifying patterns and limiting beliefs  
Perceptions: how to change them   
Successful relationship building  
The actor’s secret weapon  
Auditioning fundamentals  
The power of risk taking  
The ‘magic bag’  
Increasing motivation  
The decision makers: who they are and what they’re looking for  
Techniques for increasing confidence and releasing nerves  


DAY 2  
Actors prepare audition pieces in pairs using their secret weapon and practical  
auditioning skills learned on Day 1  
Scenes are performed on camera  
Playback: actors review their auditions as a group, give personal feedback on the  
process and experience and receive feedback from the group and instructors  
Tula Tzoras, author of The Secret of Your Success as an Actor (now on reading lists at major  
drama institutions such as NIDA, ACTT, MAA and VIC Drama), is an actress with over twenty  
years of film, television and theatre experience. Her television credits include Water Rats, Police  
Rescue, A Country Practice, Neighbours and Offspring. Her extensive film and theatre credits  
include The Venus Factory and The Vagina Monologues.  Tula’s passion and energy are limitless  
and she is dedicated to empowering actors to fulfil their dreams and achieve success.  
Kari Harris of Kari Harris Casting (KHC) and more recently, i4 Casting, has over twenty years of  
film and television experience. She was a senior casting director at Prototype Casting (Chopper,  
Mission: Impossible II, The Interview) for over seven years and established her boutique  
consultancy in 2004 attracting prestigious clientele such as Oscar winning director and  
screenwriter, Stephen Gaghan (Syriana, Traffic), and multi award winning advertising director  
David Denneen of FG Entertainment. She has worked on a multitude of national and  
international film, television and advertising projects since 1989. Kari is a natural collaborator  
and her passion is to inspire, educate, empower, entertain and motivate others to pursue and  
develop their ideas and talents into something that people everywhere can respond to.  
“Just wanted to let you know how fabulous the workshop was. I found it thoroughly helpful and  
enjoyable. In fact, I got an ad at the next audition I went for after the workshop! So there you  
go!” – Jackie Loeb  
“Just thought you would like to know that I landed the first TVC I went for after your class,  
another success story for your workshop.” – Chris Radburn  
“I scored two call‐backs after attending the workshop!” – Chris Galletti  


Reading: The Secret of Your Success as an Actor E‐book (to be completed prior to Day 1)  
Actors will be required to prepare a short scene of the instructor’s choice for the Day 2 audition  
DATES & TIMES (2012)  
Day 1  
Saturday February 18tt 10am‐6pm   
Day 2  
Sunday February 19th 10am‐6pm  
To book and pay for this course securely via Pay Pal or with a credit card please visit  
and select ‘The Secret of Your Success as an Actor – Two Day Intensive Workshop’  
The Audition Room  
Building 11 Driver Avenue  
Fox Studios Australia  
Moore Park  NSW  
Street parking is available on Driver Avenue or behind Building 11  
Important: do not drive through to the security booth or you will be asked to turn around  
Two Day Intensive Workshop fee at $299 including GST per participant (maximum 20  
Fee includes The Secret of Your Success as an Actor E‐book download 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Season's Greetings Actors!

Hello Dearest Actors!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a fabulous 2012!

I am so sorry I have neglected you lately, between relocating and moving to my own creative space (which I adore) and working its been flat out!

That's what we want though isn't it? To be busy doing what we love! Well I have been recording advertorials for Danoz Direct for Summer and going to castings, while 3 companies have approached me to instruct teenagers and Actors alike based on my ebook, The Secret of Your Success as an Actor, available for Instant Download for $9.95 at!

I am proof that Your Secret Weapon in my ebook works!
So don't waste time, download it Now!

love T

Monday, November 21, 2011

iModel Program

Dearest fellow Actors,
I am sorry I have been so absent, I have been crazy busy, but I am always thinking of you and how your life and career as an Actor is progressing.

I am now on every commercial TV Network, Presenting on Daytime TV for Danoz and having a ball!
It is truly amazing though, when you use Your Secret Weapon (from my ebook The Secret of Your Success as an Actor) , how things simply fall in your lap.

My purpose is to Empower others through Entertainment and there I was at dinner with friends, when an indigenous friend of mine who runs the iModel Program for Teenage Indigenous girls found out that his Instructor had fallen through at  the last minute. I happened to be free on those two days and offered my help and before I knew it, we were driving to Bathurst!

The funniest thing was we had booked a hotel on the famous Bathurst Race Track and missing the sign for it, we happened on the Actual Track, doing it in a little Ford Festiva, 10.30 at night in the rain! It was exhilarating!

I can't tell you what a gift I received instilling self Esteem to those girls over the period of two days. To watch them blossom to the point of walking down the Catwalk in Make up they had done in their workshop and walking tall and proud, was so rewarding!

As Actors, we have so much we can share with our training. How good is it to share that with others?
So today I write to you with Gratitude, in the Field of All Possibility!

Always here to help,